Saturday, September 8, 2018

Temple with Maysen

Mike and I have now been married 23 years! What better way to celebrate than to go through the temple with Maysen for the first time. It was the best day. The weather was perfect. Maysen was so sweet. I just loved it so much. Mike and I took Maysen for breakfast at the Waffle Iron before heading to the temple for our afternoon session. I was Maysen's escort. I have never been in the Logan Temple before. It definitely was built a long time ago. It was cool. The locker rooms were huge too! I was separated from Maysen in the locker room and waited for her in the instruction room. The assistant to the matron talked to us for awhile. She was really nice and kind. Maysen's temple escort was super nice. She took us down a different hallway to the endowment room. "Only brides and people going through the temple for the first time get to come down here." It was really cool to be in the celestial room with Maysen. My dad, Mike, Bubs, Ange, Matt and Sam were also there. Maysen's temple escort asked us if we would want to get our picture taken in our white clothes. I had never thought about that. We had to change into church shoes and were supposed to meet her in front of the bridal door. She wanted to take us out that door because 'the flowers were just beautiful.' Well, two other temple workers did not like her idea at all. Finally one of the said, "Might I suggest that you go back and change into your regular clothes. This is highly unusual what you are asking to do." By this time I was really excited about the idea. I love Maysen's temple dress and I wanted a picture of her in it. I said sounding disappointed, "Really, we can't do it?" The other lady said, "Well, I can't stop you . . ." She started to say something else but I interrupted with 'Great!' We were told we needed to go out the front door. No worries there. We did make sure everyone had their recommend so they could get back in the temple. It did make us laugh and I love the pictures. The temple escort whispered to me as she was walking us out, "I don't know why you wouldn't want to take your pictures in your temple clothes, I thought it was a great idea." Haha. She was great.
Maysen's wearing a necklace Jorja gave her before she left for college.
 Mike, Maysen, Stephanie
 Dad, Mike, Ange, Maysen, Bubs, Stephanie, Matt, Sam
Sam had asked someone to take our picture. After we got the picture in front of the flowers the girl asked if we wanted one with the temple in the background. Hahahaha! I would have been so annoyed if I had forgotten to do that! We are kind of in shadows, but still!
Sam, Matt, Dad, Mike, Maysen,Stephanie, Ange, Bubs
Once all the group pictures were done I asked my dad to take some pictures Mike and I with Maysen. That way the lady Sam got didn't have to stay. Matt and Sam had to take off to get back home. Logan is a ways away. After my dad took some pictures I asked Ange if she could take some. When my dad asked why I wanted more when he just took some. Mike said, "She's hoping Ange won't have her finger over the lens." Haha! Here is my dad's picture.
Maysen, Stephanie, Mike
Ange got some great pictures. She kept going back in the shadows. She said she always things pictures taken with the camera in the shadows turns out better. I never knew that. She also was crouched super low on the ground to get the top of the temple in. She was great.
Maysen, Stephanie, Mike
 My dad, Maysen, Stephanie, Mike
 Stephanie, Maysen, Mike
My dad had brought up Jorja and Preston when he came. He dropped them off with Stockton before heading to the temple. We all drove to Stockton's apartment, except Matt and Sam who had already left. Stockton had taken the kids to lunch at the Marketplace. They spent most of the rest of the time playing Super Mario I think. Stockton showed everyone around his room. Bubs and Ange had to take off and get back to their kids. They were being watched at President Back's house by his daughter who is one of Ange's good friends. My dad went with my family to Olive Garden before he headed home. We stopped by Maysen's apartment so Mike could look at her tablet that had stopped working. Luckily the plug had just been knocked loose and she hadn't noticed. We like fixes like that. We were glad we were able to get into Maysen's parking lot. She lives across the street from the football field. There was a game today, and the road gets shut down. They had just started opening it up when we arrived. We were able to drive Stockton back to his apartment before we made the long drive home. Utah State had a giant win, so that was good. I drove home and made it just in time to watch the BYU game. Too bad they lost. Oh well. The rest of the day was perfect.

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