Friday, September 21, 2018

Wait Until Dark

Jorja had to be at Alta all day to get ready for homecoming week. She loved this last year and she loved it again. Preston helped me clean up around the house this morning. That was fun. He makes me laugh. My dad and I went to the play Wait Until Dark at the Hale Center Theater. I loved it. We had great seats and the actors did fantastic. I kept thinking how much more Jorja would like this play than the one we went to yesterday. Stockton's diving friends met at our house while I was gone. Mike came home and they all drove to the cabin. It was a tight fit. Mike, Preston, Gavin, his sister Zoe, Gage, Dani, Noelle and Connor all in the pilot. Bubs texted me today to let me know they would be able to come. I was so happy! I think Stockton would be a bit sad if no extended family members could make it. Jorja and I drove her little bug up after the play. The bug did great. I was a bit surprised. I was starving by the time we left, but super anxious to get up to the cabin. I decided to pull off in Park City. We found a pizza place that said they were fast. They weren't. After about fifteen minutes we walked out of there and decided to shoot for Evanston Wyoming like usual. I had trouble getting back on the freeway. It was dark, I was super hungry and anxious. I started breathing really deep and I couldn't stop. Jorja was getting freaked out. She said I was having a panic attack and needed to pull over. I thought I just needed to get some food and I would be fine. I don't know why I was gasping for breath like that. It stopped after I was on the freeway for a bit. I did not like all these random turnarounds at Park City. I'm not getting off at that exit again. While we were driving Jorja got a text about homecoming plans. They are going to do the day date the night before. That will work out well. She will be able to go to some of her lacrosse games. She signed up for fall season. They only have games on one day and it was the day of homecoming. We started talking about how busy that week would be. Saturday is the dance and three lacrosse games. Friday they will go to a haunted house. Thursday she will have lacrosse and then go straight to Wait Until Dark with Mike. Jorja said, "WAIT! That is when it is? I won't be able to go to the Alta/Corner Canyon football game? That is the only football game I care about!" Great. Mike and I have fantastic timing. I did great until the last hour and a half, then I was so tired and Jorja was asleep. The thing we had been listening to ended and it was a struggle to stay awake! We made it around midnight. I was so glad to get there. Maysen, Stockton and Daedan were there. Stockton met Daedan up at Utah State. How nice of him to come and see Stockton open up his call tomorrow! We have a full house now. It is great.

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