Tuesday, October 9, 2018


If you are planning on spending a week in Albuquerque, this is the week to do it. I have heard about this balloon festival for a long time, and I have always wanted to see it. Well, how cool is it to see hundreds of hot air balloons in the sky on the drive to school? I'll answer, it's pretty awesome.
Leaving Mike's house
 Taking the kids to school
I dropped the three kids off at school then brought Parker home to change into his swimming suit. Parker had swimming lessons at the Fish Factory. Now, how cool is that name? Haha! We went straight from swimming to his soccer lessons/game. It was fun to watch him. The place was indoors and looked like a lot of fun. Parker and I stopped by Skye's school to drop off her badge that had fallen off in the car. The middle school has just started requiring all the kids to wear id badges on lanyards every day, all day. I wasn't sure if she would get into trouble without hers. I did not want to see the annoying secretary lady, but wasn't sure what to do. Parker and I arrived at the school right as a class change was taking place. We sat on some bricks and watched the kids walk by. We were lucky and saw Skye! Parker ran up to her to give her the id. We didn't have to even talk or look at the annoying secretary lady that likes to let kids starve!

I met one of Christen's friends at the soccer place. She asked if Parker would like to have a play date with her daughter Ella. Parker loved that idea. I was able to go pick up Larkin and Blake by myself. Blake was annoyed that Parker got to go to Ella's house and not him. That wasn't fair at all. Ha! Larkin had batting practice and Skye had soccer practice. Both of them were picked up by other people. That was great! I was randomly texted by one of Christen's friends about them taking Larkin. Christen has some nice friends.

I gave Parker a bath tonight and got him into bed. Then Skye, Larkin and Blake all bundled up on Larkin's bed and I read them a couple of chapters of The Thing About Georgie. That has been a fun way to end the day. They all seem to really like the book.

I let Jorja go to a school volleyball game today. There were three sporting events and the kids in student government were supposed to try and go to one of them. At least that is Jorja's story. I did not want her to go to soccer since she left that game early last week. I told her she could go to volleyball. Little did I know that it was at a different school. I thought she was only going to one game, but she ended up watching the sophomores, jv and varsity. She completely missed the stake combined miamaid/teacher activity. Ugh. She has never liked those and I think she wasn't looking forward to it since she is days away from becoming a laurel. Oh well.

Preston had his piano lesson and scouts cancelled today, so he just got to stay home. I wished I would have known about the scout cancellation a little earlier. That would have made diving easier to figure out. Today would have been a great day for him to have gone. Oh well. I think Mike and Preston worked on some duck stuff. They made duck diapers but I'm not sure how to get the pictures off of slack. I'll have to have Mike text me the pictures tomorrow. They put the diapers on Preston's stuffed duck because it was "too hard to catch the real ducks to try it on them when they swim in the middle of the pond in the dark." Those two crack me up. Preston is so much like his dad, it's crazy. Mike also cut down the tall person eater tree. My plan to stop tall people walking Jorja to the doorstop didn't work.
I was able to FaceTime Jorja while she was getting ready for bed. She seemed to have a good time at the volleyball game. Her good friend Dessa is on the team and she was able to visit with her while the other grades were playing. I forgot to ask Jorja who won. Let's just assume it was Alta. I'm sure every game was a shut out. That sounds right.

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