Sunday, October 21, 2018

Cider with Smiths

Audrey came with us to church today. California's fall break must have been this weekend too. She is planning on moving back in January. I hope everything goes well for her. I taught today. It went pretty well. I always think I'm not going to have enough planned and spend too much time on the first part of my lesson only to have to hurry through the rest. Oh well. Mike and I went back to church at 4:15. We are on the Christmas planning committee. At least I'm not in charge. Sue is, so you know it's going to be great. Mike and I are in charge of the flyers and posters, and I think Mike is in charge of stringing up lights.....

Steve, Shannon, Jacob and Weston came over to help us make apple cider. I showed Shannon and Weston all of the pictures Jorja has taken with the Weston Smith that goes to her school. That was funny. It's weird how small our families feel now with each of us having two kids at home. I miss my babies.

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