Saturday, October 13, 2018

Homecoming with Keegan

I woke up around five am to the pitter patter of little feet. Parker wakes up early. He likes to find the remote and watch Ninja Turtles on the tv. I opened my door expecting to see Parker there. Nope. I hurried upstairs to his room and saw Blake's door open with the light on. Blake was the one who woke up early today! He is also the one who woke Parker up! He told me that he put his head right next to Parker's in order to get him to wake up. Haha! Brothers.

I left with the boys about 6:30 this morning. Blake had two baseball games. The traffic was horrible! Blake was supposed to be there at 7:00, but I didn't arrive until 7:10. His game didn't start until 8:00 and I was not the last to arrive, so that was good. It was fun to watch Blake and Parker was a good sport. After sitting with me for about an hour he asked if he could play under the bleachers. I let him. About three minutes later he was back with a sore knee. He was quite proud of that sore knee and showed it to everyone.
I kept Mike updated on the game as best as I could. I missed the first time Blake was up by taking Parker to the bathroom. Blake also pitched. It was so fun to watch him! After Blake's game we hurried to Larkin's softball game. Someone had picked Larkin up while we were gone. I got to the field to find Larkin pitching! I didn't get to see one pitch though because Parker needed to go to the bathroom as soon as we got there. I did get to see some of Larkin's team bat, but not Larkin. The game ended shortly after we arrived. Blake and Parker had been playing with a friend and I went looking for them. We had probably been at the field five minutes and I found them playing in a mud puddle! I was silently kicking myself for trying to go to Larkin's game at all!
Blake & Parker
We hurried home and I gave the kids lunch. Then we loaded back in the car and headed to Skye's game. I sent Mike a picture of what Blake looked like when we arrived. He was out! We had to be at Skye's game an hour early, so I just stayed in the car and let Parker finish watching a movie. I don't know much about soccer but it was fun watching Skye out there. Her team won six to zero.
Meanwhile in Jorja land, she had homecoming tonight. Mike took Jorja to the store to get fingernail polish to match her dress. Her date was supposed to come at 11:00. They were going to go bowling and carve pumpkins. Mike was working in the backyard and Jorja was painting her nails when the door rang. It was her date! Thirty minutes early! Jorja was stunned. She told him she wasn't ready and he told her he would wait for her in the car. Jorja threw on a shirt that was still wet and headed out the door. Mike got a picture of her before she left but begged him not to make her get Keegan. She was so embarrassed! I think it is funny that she was going to another school's dance and wore one of her Alta shirts. Mike picked up Jorja's flower for her while she was at her day date. I'm glad he was able to be there for her.
Once she got back from the date she got in her dress and then Mike dropped her off at the Johnson's house. Kelsee was there babysitting while Bryce and Becky were in Italy. Kelsee did Jorja's hair and it looked beautiful!
Jorja said she had fun at the dance. They went to eat at the Porcupine, which is by Mike's old work. She saw some people she knew from work, so that was fun. She didn't think she would know anyone from the other school. I wish I could have been there with her, but I'm glad Mike was able to take such good care of her.
 Jorja & Keegan
 The girls....I love how Jorja's hair looks in this one.
 The group
 The flowers
 Keegan and Jorja
I finished reading The Thing About Georgie with Skye, Larkin and Blake. I read to them for about two hours, because we were trying to finish the book. We were all sitting on Larkin's bed. Blake didn't make it. He fell asleep. He loved being included with the big girls though. Larkin said that she wished she could read the book again. I left the book on her dresser. I told her my name was in it and she could give it back to me later, even if it was a year from now. I'm glad they liked the book. It was so much fun to read to them!

I turned on the BYU game when I came downstairs. I was able to see the last part of the second quarter. Mike and Christen's plan arrived at the start of the third quarter, so I headed to the airport. It was fun to see them and hear about their adventures! It sounds like they had a great time. That made me so happy. I'm glad they were able to spend quality time with my dad. We stayed up talking until 2:00 in the morning, then Mike made us go to bed. I wish they lived closer to us. I sure do love them.

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