Monday, October 29, 2018


Jorja and Preston had the day off of school. Jorja was excited because she had her first non dance date. He told her he would pick her up in the afternoon. To Jorja that meant anywhere from 11:00 - 2:00. I had lunch at Becky's house, so I thought she would be gone by the time I got back. Lunch with Becky was so fun. Jacqui, Katie and Sara were also there. We talked and it was just perfect. Anyway, when I got home, Jorja was still there. I told her to text the boy and ask for an exact time. She thought that was too pushy. She texted him and said, "When you come over you should come in and see my ducks." When he replied okay she said, "At least I know he is still coming." Well, he still hadn't come by the time I took Preston to diving at 4:00. On the way home from diving we got a text that Quackletta was missing. She flew over the fence. Preston was SO WORRIED. Mike told us to keep an eye out for her as we drove home. Preston started looking early. There was no way he was going to spot her clear down on Wasatch Blvd. Anyway, right as we turned into the top of our neighborhood we received this text. Jorja had found her. She had been walking down our street and was walking up our driveway. Silly duck.
Jorja and Quackletta
Well, Jorja was still home when I got there. Her date had just texted and said he was on his way. Wow. Jorja was pretty annoyed. She had turned down plans from about five other people and spent the day waiting. She never felt like she could do anything, even paint her nails, because she didn't want to be in the middle of anything when he showed up. It was a good learning experience though. If you make plans with someone, try and get an exact time. Although saying you are coming in the afternoon and showing up at 8:30 at night is quite a time difference. Not a good start to Jorja's dating life.

Jorja also has been a little sad this weekend. She likes a boy. I wish she didn't. She thought the boy liked her, but then she kind of messed things up with him on her birthday. She sent an apology text late tonight and is hoping things will straighten out. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to hope for. I don't want her to steady date or even like someone. Last time that was a disaster. But how do I stop her from her feelings? I do know that when Mike and I saw the two of them together we were kind of shocked. When he left Mike said, "Well, that was interesting. I have never seen Jorja so happy. She was just glowing." I do want her to be happy, but I don't want her to have a boyfriend. She just turned 16 and has been looking forward to dating. Anyway, not sure what to hope for on that situation. I ended up sleeping with Jorja in the guest bed. Maybe things will feel better for her in the morning.

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