Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Duck House

Mike stayed home from work today. He spent his time working on the duck house. He is hoping to get everything set for winter. He sure has loved working on that duck pond. The mallards usually like to stay in the pond. Mike had never really seen them in the duck house before. Today they found the heater. They were fans.
Quackletta & Waddluigi
 Kiki & Quacky Chan
Mike had the ducks together all day today. He was hoping they would get use to each other and get along. Maybe that will happen one day, but it didn't happen today.
I had a doctor appointment this morning. I was a little worried about it. I've been worried about one of my implants. They have been in there for over ten years now. I told the doctor that one of them was aching, not hurting, just aching. He wasn't worried. It was funny at the beginning of the appointment when he asked why I hadn't had a mammogram in ten years. I told him I had only had one, and that was before my mastectomy. He blurted out, "Oh! I forgot you had a mastectomy! You don't need to worry about that at all then." Haha. Impossible not to worry. I am so so so so so so glad I had my surgeries done. Still, I know that I can still get ovarian cancer because it can cling to my ovarian wall. I can still get breast cancer too. With the surgery my chances were lowered by 98%. Still, I will always worry.

Anyway, new story....Jorja somehow convinced a boy named Conner to drive her home from school everyday. It has been super nice of him because he lives in the opposite direction. Today when Conner dropped her off he told her he wouldn't be able to take her home on B days anymore. He doesn't have an 8th period class, so he is able to go home way earlier than Jorja is. Jorja came inside super happy, even though she was disappointed about that. She makes me laugh. Jorja wanted to thank Conner. While she was at work I made some more cream puffs. We still had the filling, so I made some small shells. I kind of had to make up the chocolate icing part because we ran out of evaporated milk. Anyway, cream puffs straight from the oven are so delicious. I picked up Jorja at work with a plate of cream puffs, a card for her to write a thank you note, and clothes for her to change into. She did not want to go over there in her Chick-Fil-A clothes for some reason. We stopped at Walmart first and Jorja got everything ready. Then she dropped the cream puffs at Conner's house. She made the note all nice, then on the envelope in fancy lettering she wrote, 'Loser'. What a weirdo. She keeps telling me he thought it was funny. Okayyyy... While Jorja was there I spent my time reading Joe Ingles twitter feed. That kept me entertained. Jorja came back to the car super happy. She was full of energy for the rest of the night. Much more energy than I had. I am not a night person.

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