Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Ducks in Bed

I was sooooo happy to have all of my kids home today. I celebrated by cleaning the fridge. Just kidding! It needed to be done. After that fun chore was finished I convinced everyone to play Clue, Master Detective. It is the same as regular Clue, just more rooms, suspects and weapons. I love it. Preston LOVES all games, the more complicated the better. Except when it comes to Clue. For some reason he doesn't like this game at all. I was excited he agreed to play. He did great for the most part, until he was complaining about something and I said, "This is a game of deduction." Which, of course, got him excited about ducks. Preston and Jorja ran outside to bring their ducks downstairs. They were at the top of the stairs and Jorja was about to put their duck diapers on when one of the ducks pooped everywhere. Preston kept saying, "Wow! That's a lot of poop!" I left Jorja and Preston to clean it up themselves. Maysen went up to help them. I am not a fan of animals. I have cleaned up after the ducks a lot, but the kids knew they were on their own for this one. Stockton ended up winning the game and then Jorja took Preston to the store to buy some air freshener, that is how disgusting everything was.

Stockton was planning on heading to Gavin's house and Traven had asked Jorja to come over before work. I was able to convince them to stay here instead. At least until Jorja had to go to work. I am trying to soak up every second of having all four of my kids together. Those two left at about the same time. That worked for me. Stockton hung out with Gavin until just before midnight. I'm glad he has such a good friend. The two of them decided to go to Chick-Fil-A and surprise Jorja. They sent me this picture.
Gavin & Stockton
 We sent them this one back ~ Maysen, Mike, Preston
Maysen wanted to go to IHOP. Preston wanted to stay home and make macaroni. He agreed to come if he could stay in his jammies. Mike met us at IHOP on the way home from work. It was nice. Maysen is so funny. We got these giant Grinch hot chocolates. I thought they were delicious. They were mint and had green whipped cream on them. Maysen got whipped cream on her nose, but didn't want to wipe it off because she was just going to get it on her nose again. She said she would wipe it off when she finished drinking it. She makes me laugh.
 A message from Jorja while we were there.
I came home and made cranberry sauce. I love this cranberry recipe. It is from Grandma Honey. It makes a ton and I will be the only one who will eat it. The rest of them won't even try it. They have no idea what they are missing.
Jorja went to Dessa's house after work. She had asked about this several days ago. She wanted her curfew extended. Jorja has a pretty early curfew. That is all because of the day about a month ago when she came home at 1:30 in the morning. Her curfew now is 9:30 on weekdays and 10:30 on weekends. I've talked to her about this. She will be allowed to stay out later, she just needs to ask us. If she does not ask, that is her curfew. She can not pretend she didn't know she was supposed to be home and thought it was perfectly fine to stay out until 1:30 in the morning. Anyway, when she asked if she could be with Dessa, she also asked to extend her curfew. It was funny because Jorja and Dessa ended up watching Crazy Rich Asians. That is the same movie that Gavin's family was watching. I don't think Stockton and Gavin watched it. I think they mostly stayed outside. They both ended up coming home at the same time. Stockton was driving Jorja's car. She was right behind him most of the way home. Haha! When they got home I was laying in bed. My plan was to get up early to exercise, but I can not sleep when they are not home. They both gathered on my bed and talked to me about their day. I LOVE it when they do this. It is my favorite thing. Mike is not as big of a fan, but today didn't bother him so much because he didn't have to get up early tomorrow. They were talking to me for awhile before the ducks were brought into the bed. Oh boy. Quacky Chan kept trying to kick me out. He was practically sitting on my head! Despite the ducks, I loved having the kids in bed with me. My heart breaks knowing this time of my life is coming to an end. I just really love being their mom.
Stephanie, Quacky Chan, Jorja, Kiki, Stockton
 Jorja & Kiki
 Stephanie, Quacky Chan, Jorja

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