Sunday, November 11, 2018

Getting the Boot

Mike and I got up early this morning to finish the poster we were supposed to make. I thought we were going to do something on the computer, but we never got around to it. Doing stuff like this stresses me out. I hate it. Mike took the poster to Ward Council and did a little craft project there. He pushed lights through it. It ended up looking pretty cool. We left a big space after the date because neither of us could remember the time. Looking back, I can't remember if we ever fixed that. Oh well. 
Mike, Preston and I went early to church. We met with the bishop for Preston's priesthood/twelve year old interview. Too bad we didn't put our stuff down on our bench first. When we finished the interview it took us a bit to find a seat. The primary program was today. Preston didn't want to do the program, especially since he was officially twelve. He talked to Megan Okerlund about it. She made him a deal that if he gave a talk he wouldn't have to come to any of the practices. At least he knows the drill about how the primary programs work now. When the bishop called Preston up, he was already up there. Preston gave a great talk. It was short, but good. All of my kids are fantastic speakers. Preston had the entire audience cracking up. This was his talk.

Since my 12th birthday was yesterday, I am graduating from primary, so you can imagine how excited I was when I found out I had to do the primary program anyway.

In primary, I have learned that the priesthood is the authority to act in the name of God here on the Earth. The priesthood can bless our lives in many ways. For example, each year before I start school, I ask my dad for a Father's blessing. When someone is sick, they can ask for a priesthood blessing. The young men that prepare, bless and pass the sacrament can do that because of the priesthood.

Yesterday I turned 12 years old. That means I can receive the Aaronic priesthood. I might even be able to pass the sacrament next Sunday!

I am excited to be able to receive the priesthood and use it to serve the other members of the ward. It is cool that Heavenly Father allows us to serve others so that we can learn to become more like him.

The talk seems tame enough. No laugh out loud moments. Preston had the audience cracking up in the delivery. All from the first paragraph. When he said 'you can imagine how excited I was...." the way he said excited was super funny. Totally exaggerated and obvious he was being sarcastic. Then he doubled down and whispered, "I wasn't excited." Holy cow. It was so funny. Everyone cracked up. I had tears, it was hilarious.

During the meeting I got a text from Scoop. He was asking if I knew what time Preston's ordination would be. I rarely get texts from him, so I was confused why they were asking me and not Mike. We didn't know when this would be happening at this point. I handed my phone to Mike and he told him we weren't sure exactly. It would be third hour, but we didn't know if it would be at the beginning or the end. Scoop texted back to let him know as soon as we could because they have a long way to come. As soon as sacrament meeting was over, Mike went in search of that information. I headed to my Sunday school class. Mike came in awhile later, after texting his dad the plan. I let my dad know the information as well. Mike taught my class today. This morning when we were making the posters Mike asked me if I was teaching today. Whoops! With all the excitement of Preston's birthday I totally forgot about that. I begged Mike to teach his Resiliency lesson for me. It was perfect. Thank heavens for Mike! He is always bailing me out.

Mike, Jorja and I went over to the primary next to watch Preston get the boot. When someone turns twelve, they have the entire deacons quorum or beehive class come in to sing to the new kid and take them back to class with them. It's pretty cool. It's hard for me to believe that when Jorja got the boot I was her advisor. It seems like forever since I've been in Young Womens.
Bulletin board outside of primary
 Preston's paper doll is right above the sign.
While we were waiting, Jorja and I noticed that it was 11:11. On 11/11. We talked about how World War I ended at this time 100 years ago. That's crazy! Jorja and I both took screenshots of our phones to get the time. Mine was dumb. I liked Jorja's though. (I'm not good at checking my messages...)
Stephanie's phone
 Jorja's phone (Eliza & Jorja)
 Preston's boot
 Sister Hawkins & Preston
 Deacons quorum: Brother Henderson, Ethan, Nick, Will, Luke, Matthew, Aiden, Jaxson, Andrew, Sister Masters, Ben
 Sister Hawkins & Preston
Singing hello/goodbye to Preston
Preston getting the boot
I went to my class before it was time to sneak out early for Preston. I was worried that my dad wouldn't get here on time, and I didn't want to wait if he wouldn't be coming. I texted him to let me know when he was there or if he wasn't coming. When I left class I saw my dad talking to Mike. My text to him never sent. Mike texted his dad and asked him to be there at 11:30. His dad wasn't there when I came out of class. Mike texted him again and asked if he was coming. No answer. The people came out of the room at 11:50 and told us they were ready. We weren't sure what to do because we didn't know if Mike's dad was going to come or not, and if he came when he was going to be here. There have been many times in the past when we think he is coming to things, but he doesn't end up coming. Mike chooses to plan on his dad not coming so he isn't disappointed anymore. There were a lot of boys in the classroom. We are hoping Preston can become friends with them. Social skills aren't the easiest thing for our kids. Anyway, as we were leaving the classroom at 11:58 I got a text from Mike's dad saying, "We are here where are they going to ordain him?" I about died. Mike and Preston hurried to find Scoop and Cori. Preston gave them both big hugs. Scoop wasn't happy with me at all. There were tears in his eyes. I felt so bad. It didn't help that several people stopped Preston and told him what an awesome job he did. Several people also stopped Mike and I and told us how much they loved Preston's talk, how he was so funny and how much he reminded them of Mike. Scoop told me that they would have come to see Preston if they knew. I reminded him that I told him about the primary program. He said, "We didn't know he would have a part." Except I know I told them Preston would be speaking. I just didn't make a big deal of it because I didn't want to make them feel like they had to come. It is so awkward wanting to invite them to stuff, but trying to not feel like we are begging. Anyway, I felt horrible about how things happened, even though I know I did nothing wrong. At least we were able to get a picture with Scoop before they left.
Mike, Preston, Scoop
Once we were home we had a few hours to relax, which meant the kids and Mike wanted to play with ducks. Jorja kept trying to go out the back door to get the mallards, but they would run away from her. So, she decided to go out the window and sneak up on them from behind. I sent her this picture on Snapchat.
 She was successful!
 Preston & Quackletta, Jorja & Waddluigi
 Jorja, Kiki & Quacky Chan
 Quacky Chan & Kiki
Jorja has been practicing driving her stick shift lately. Mike took her out driving yesterday. Today she drove her car by herself to church. We decided to go see Shannon to drop off some things. She lives about twenty minutes away. Jorja put this sign on the back of her car before we left. Haha! It did make her panic less though. Jorja did great. She drove all the way to Riverton and only stalled the car once there and once on the way back. Both times she didn't stress and was able to restart it right away. She is going to never regret learning how to drive a stick.
 Jorja's snapchat streaks were a video, but I loved this picture of her.
We had to hurry back from Shannon's to go to Preston's Court of Honor and Jorja's Evening in Excellence. Jorja drove here too. They had a cute slideshow with each of the girls in front of a whiteboard. It was a cute picture of them with their name and about five major accomplishments they have achieved this last year. For some reason Jorja's wasn't put in the slideshow. Neither was Hadley Kate's. It was kind of sad. Oh well.
Jorja & Ebony
 Jorja & Stephanie
Jorja answered Luke to the Christmas dance tonight. Hailey and a girl named Lily wanted to come with her. I was disappointed that I forgot to take a picture of Jorja's poster before we came. Jorja said she would take a picture when they set it up. Jorja wasn't sure where Luke lived. She asked a lot of people for his address. Riley didn't know it, but found it out for her. He also let her know that Luke was going to be at a family dinner until 9:00. Luke's mom texted Riley when they were home and Riley texted Jorja. When Jorja and the girls went to put this on their front porch they could see everyone sitting at the table. Luke's mom knew they were coming so she distracted Riley while they were outside. Nice. Although Jorja felt a little self conscious, so this was the best picture she was able to get me of her poster.
 Luckily Luke took a better one.
Wow! That was a busy day!

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