Thursday, November 29, 2018

Mermaid Wishes

Hailey sent me this picture of how she answered Drew.
I love it! I love socks. Plus, now he has five new pairs of socks!
I spent most of my morning at the Festival of Trees. I love it. Our ward did a tree this year. Camee was in charge of it. And another super cute girl that I don't know very well. They did an awesome job. The lady that was standing by the tree said that people were just blown away with it, especially when they realized it was decorated with coffee filters, q-tips and straws. I dyed a lot of the coffee filters and even made one mermaid. The tree was beautiful. I'm glad I was able to see it in person.
 Close up look at the coffee filter coral
 You can see the q-tips pretty good here.
 The lady asked if I wanted pictures of the back of the tree. She took them for me.
 Stephanie and random person looking at Emery's tree
 Blue straws
 Emery before her brain surgery
 This tree reminded me of my friend Rae in Georgia. I sent her pictures.
 I took a picture of this tree for Jorja
 The vanity next to it is exactly the same as Jorja's, just painted silver.
 Jorja loves llamas too.
 What a cool Utah State tree! I sent these pictures to Maysen and Stockton.
 I thought the lego head at the top was funny.
 Now this is a Maysen tree. I texted it to her. She immediately texted me back to go get divinity!
Maysen was in a chocolate competition in college for one of her marketing classes. The first competition they had to come up with chocolates and market them. Maysen's group worked with this divinity lady and created different versions of her divinity. They ended up winning the competition. The next competition she was in, with a different group, was to market the new chocolate lab that will be at Blue Square. Maysen's group won that competition as well. They even got to split a lot of money. I can't remember how much, but after it was split seven ways Maysen ended up with several hundred dollars in her scholarship account. That was awesome. Maysen was the only one in the class who ended up winning both competitions. Anyway, this is the booth of the person Maysen worked with for the first competition.
I ordered a tray of four. I expected that they would just give it to me then. Nope. They took down my name as 'Setphen' and my cell phone number. The girl said she would text me when my order was ready. I walked around the festival for another hour and was ready to go. I went back to ask how much longer it would be. My order was just sitting there in the 'preorder' section. So weird. The divinity was delicious though. I usually hate divinity, but this was super good.
 Jorja's been singing this song lately.
 Hot chocolate tree! I loved the top.
 Brazil! I took this picture for Mike.
 Of course I couldn't pass up the Gingerbread Village.
 There is a BYU Milbourn House every year.
Too bad they spell Millburn wrong. Milbourn just looks weird!
 Kalani's Surf Shack was pretty cool.
 So was Cosmo's Cottage
 I sent this picture to Jorja and told her I got a new bedspread for her.
I didn't, but I miss the days when frogs were her world.
Hailey and I were sending messages on Snapchat back and forth. At the bottom of one I wrote, "Sorry for using periods. Jorja says using periods makes me sound angry. I just can't help it." Hailey sent this back. I had to save it because my Porge is with her!
Jorja & Hailey
I brought these divinity pieces home. Preston loved them the most. I also brought home Preston a chocolate covered strawberry kabob and Jorja a chocolate covered cinnamon bears kabob.
Jorja's throat was hurting worse after school than when she went to school. I had her gargle with a sore throat concoction hoping it would help the pain. She had five white spots on the back of her throat. I'm worried she has strep. Preston has had a sore throat for about a week. I made him let me look in his throat. He has at least one white spot. We decided he shouldn't go to diving. We didn't want to get any of the divers sick before the state championship on Saturday. Jorja drove her bug to Target to get some Christmas lights for it. She came back pretty happy with her purchase. We sat on the couch together and she kept sending me pictures in Snapchat. I got some cute ones. I didn't save the weird ones she sent.
 Jorja with her Christmas lights bug
Jorja and I decided to go to Zupas to get soup. That sounded good to her. Madison wanted to come over. Jorja told her how sick she was, but Madison said she didn't mind. We picked up Madison and took her to Zupas with us. Jorja drove the entire way and did great. Once we walked into Zupas Jorja started feeling awful. She felt dizzy and like she was going to throw up. I had her go find a booth. She was able to eat her soup, but her throat was getting worse. I drove home for Jorja. When we got to the gate I smelled something weird. Like something was burning. As we pulled up into our driveway there was a ton of smoke coming out of Jorja's hood. What the heck? I ran to get Mike and told the girls to get out of the car! Her car definitely overheated. Hopefully this will be an easy fix. Jorja loves that car and has just started feeling comfortable driving it.

Jorja and Madison went downstairs for about an hour. Jorja was just miserable. After Madison left Jorja wanted to cuddle with Kiki. Too bad Kiki was not cooperative. Jorja was so sad!
Jorja & Kiki
 Kiki does not want to stay.
 We put Quacky Chan next to Kiki to see if that would calm her down.
 Quacky Chan kept nibbling at Jorja's neck.
 Kiki just kept climbing, wanting to be anywhere but with Jorja.
Jorja was feeling absolutely awful by the time she finally got to bed. She asked me if I would sleep with her. She was miserable. Mike tried scheduling a doctor appointment online, but the website wouldn't let him log in. We are going to have to call as soon as they open in the morning. We are pretty sure she has strep. I'm not sure if any of my kids have ever had strep before. I'm planning on just letting Jorja sleep until it is time to go to the doctor's tomorrow. Hopefully she can recover quickly. She has a huge student government service project thing on Saturday. They are supposed to go to houses to do small tasks. I think they are supposed to work for about five hours. Jorja really wants to do that! Then she is planning on going to Jonas' concert with Hailey. Fingers crossed her body recovers quickly. I stayed with Jorja until I was sure she was asleep, then I snuck out into my own bed. Jorja's been sleeping in the guest room lately, which is just across the hall from me. At least I'll be able to get to her fast if I need to.

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