Sunday, November 4, 2018

Teaching Jorja to Swerve

It was nice having Stockton at church today. Too bad Jorja and Preston weren't feeling well. Mike ended up taking both of them home after sacrament meeting. Stockton went home with them to work on Family Home Evening. His lesson was so funny! I told him I wanted to have a lesson called, "Teaching Jorja to Swerve". She really needs it. Some of her friends have told her that it is impolite to swerve. I don't know if they were just talking about Homecoming/fancy dates or anytime in general. I wanted to teach Jorja that she doesn't need to feel bad about not kissing everyone that wants to kiss her. Anyway, Stockton made the funniest lesson. He made a wheel with different boys on it. We made cutout faces of the different boys and put them on sticks. Stockton also made miis to match the stick faces. Stockton had Jorja spin the 'Boys of Seduction' wheel, then she spun another wheel that had a date on it. The dates were different games on Wii Sports. We each took turns playing her and then acted out trying to kiss her. It looks like Jorja's only move is to hit the face. Not quite what we were going for. Preston was the funniest. Jorja had a small crush on this kid last year. She called him, "Good Hair Guy." We had him on a stick. After their date, Preston (who happened to be feeling awful) came out of the back room with Good Hair Guy's face in front of his face. Preston walked up to Jorja and said, "Hey Jorja . . . do you like my hair?" Then he moved the cut out away from his own face, swished his own hair and put the cut out back really fast. It was so dang funny! Then he said, "Does it" hair swish again "make you want to kiss me?" Three of us were laughing hysterically. Jorja just punched the poor guy in the face. I can't stop laughing now thinking of Preston. Also, Stockton's narration through the entire thing was so dang funny. We caught Jorja laughing several times, even though she likes to pretend she was humiliated. Still, hopefully she knows that she does not need to feel bad if she doesn't want to kiss someone. We did talk to her about how kissing is not against the commandments, but she needs to be smart about it. Jorja is such a big flirt that sometimes her friendliness gets interpreted as other things. She has been getting a few inappropriate messages again this past week. I don't know what possesses boys to say things like they do to her. We tried to teach her that they are testing her, seeing what she will let them get away with. She needs to call them out and ask them not to talk like that to her. Maybe we need a "Teaching Jorja to text" Family Home Evening.
Stockton got a packet from his new mission presidents. That's exciting. He also got a text from his bishop asking him to speak in church on Sunday. Man, I wish I could be there. Too bad the primary program is that week. No way am I missing my last child participating in that! Plus, Preston will be getting the priesthood. Now that is really weird!
Stockton & Mike
Quackletta and Waddluigi came in for a snack
 Poor sick Preston
Stockton left late tonight to head back to Logan. He got there around midnight. Maysen was waiting for him. She drove him back to his apartment, the parking pass is in front of Maysen's place. I'm glad she was willing to make sure he was safe, even though it was quite late. I love them. I'm glad they have each other.

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