Friday, November 9, 2018

Veterans Assembly

I was a little frustrated with Jorja this morning. I looked through her texts and it dawned on me that when she was with Traven, she was most likely driving. She knows she is not allowed to drive people for six months. Granted, I think that is a stupid rule. I would be okay with three months, but six months is annoying. Most people just ignore this rule. I can't do it. I hate the rule, but I can't ignore it. Mike and I went downstairs to talk to her. She admitted that she did drive Traven. I know she was in an awkward position. She didn't realized that she was going to be driving when she agreed to help him. I'm not sure how she didn't realize it. She is now not going to be allowed to drive by herself for awhile. About a week is what we are thinking. Hopefully she won't do this again.

Jorja asked Matt if he would come to the Veterans assembly Alta puts on. They have a breakfast first. Too bad I didn't realize he could have family with him. I totally would have come to that. Instead he was there by himself talking to strangers. I'm sure he loved that. It was so nice of him to do this for Jorja. I came for the assembly. Luckily I walked in the school and the first person I saw was Matt. I sat with him and the other veterans. I thought it was funny, but those were the worst seats in the house. It was hard to see anything. It was okay though. They introduced all the veterans. When they were at the Army they said Don Millburn. What? I looked at Jorja and she shrugged. We were so confused. Then they said Matt Millburn towards the end. Either there is two Millburns, or there is a cousin Don around. Jorja was able to introduce two different things and she did a great job. One of the speakers fought in World War II for the Germans. That was interesting. He said, "I fought for the losing team and then switched to the winning team." Haha.
Jorja and Matt
I spent the day making rolls and cream puffs. I am so tired of cooking! It is definitely not my favorite thing to do. Jorja was excused for the entire day. She had to be at school at 6:30 in the morning. After cleaning up, student government went to lunch at Harmons. Jorja came home in the middle of eight period. She had already talked to her chemistry teacher about missing and she was exhausted. Jorja is so much fun to be around. She kept me company while I finished baking. She spent the time signing me up for snapchat. Haha. At least she will send me pictures. Hopefully they are all of her and not of weird things like walls.
Jorja took a good nap and then I dropped her off at work. Mike and I had dinner group tonight. Our ward has people sign up if they want to have a dinner with other members. They are randomly assigned. Mike and I ended up in a group with David and Julia Bird as the host family. The other people were Doug and Rose-Marie Henderson, Terry & Marilyn Rich, Bev Mortensen and Anna Jean Christensen. Mike and I were the youngest by FAR. It was awesome. We loved it. The food was delicious and we had such a good time talking with everyone. It was a perfect night.
Painting in the Bird's house that reminded me of Steve and Sharon
Julia makes AMAZING quilts. This is the one she is making for one of her grand babies right now. It's the coolest thing I have ever seen!

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