Friday, December 7, 2018

Back to School

Preston had a dentist appointment early this morning. He wasn't too happy about that. I wasn't too happy as I watched the look on Eric's face as he was with Preston. (Eric is our dentist and he was Mike's best friend growing up.) Eric asked me is we had to pull any teeth for Stockton. Yep. Pretty sure it was five in one day. He said Preston has the same thing. Shark teeth. His baby teeth don't like to fall out. Stockton would have two teeth at the same time. Preston is having that now. Although it looks like Preston might have it worse than Stockton. Eric said there was ten teeth that could be pulled. (Preston said the number was ten, I thought it was a bit lower.) There are two for sure that need to come out by January. It's up to us if we want to get all of them done because they are all going to have the same problem. Then Preston won't have to go under anesthesia multiple times. Not sure what we are going to do.

I woke up Jorja before I left for the dentist. She fell back asleep and woke up right before I got home. That didn't surprise me. She really wanted to go to school today. She looked absolutely adorable, I wish I had taken a picture. No way did she look like she had been on death's door this week. (Okay, huge exaggeration, but this week was awful.) I walked in with Jorja to check her in, and I needed to speak with the attendance people. I wanted to walk with Jorja to her class, but she begged me not to. She said it would be so embarrassing. I told her I would just walk down the hall and no one would see me. Still too embarrassing for her. As we were walking in the school Jorja said she wondered if anyone would notice that she was back and had been gone. I rolled my eyes and told her lots of people will notice. She said, "Bet" and shook my hand. I watched her walk almost to the end of the hall before she turned to go in her student government class. I heard people yelling, "JORJA!" from where I was. Jorja sure sells herself short many times.

My plan was to make gingerbread houses all day. I want ten houses by Sunday, but this week was crazy. I got an email soon after I got home saying the missionary plaques were done. I decided to hurry and get them. The place is about thirty minutes away. I had three plaques to pick up. Right before I got home Maysen called me. The van wouldn't start and she was heading out to lunch with a friend. I had no idea what to tell her. I don't know anything about cars. Maysen and her friend ended up making a Little Caesars pizza at home. Those pizza kits from Ella and Abby have sure come in handy. I hung up the phone with Maysen as I was pulling in the driveway. Several snap chat messages had come in from Jorja, and a text message that asked me to open my snap. Chill Jorja! Jorja wanted me to take her to lunch. I thought that would be great to see how she was doing, so it worked out. I went down and picked up Jorja and Dessa. I took them to Jamba Juice. Jorja was getting tired and loopy again. She had taken her medicine in her English class and it affected her mind right away. Maybe because she had an empty stomach? She struggled the rest of the school day. She was so tired when she went to theater after lunch. Her teacher gave her a new water and told her she was getting dehydrated. I'm glad she is on the mend, but she is so behind in school. The hard thing is her mind can't focus right now. She was able to move around and not be in pain, but her mind is still struggling. I hope she can pull these grades up. Going from being a straight A student to grades like this is not what we like to see.
I was finally in gingerbread land when Jorja came home from school. She was so tired. I sat with her for awhile and talked with her about her day. It was an emotional one for sure. Dessa came over after awhile to help Jorja with her math. I'm not sure if they got anything done though. I watched the BYU/Florida volleyball game while I was working on gingerbread. I sent Dessa a video. She had just added me on snapchat. I have three friends on there. Jorja, Hailey and Dessa. Jorja told me to add Madison and I wouldn't. I felt it was creepy to add her friends on that. Hailey and Dessa both asked to be my friend, so then it wasn't weird. Anyway, Dessa sent me this picture back. Poor Jorja is soooo tired!
Jorja & Dessa
After Dessa left, Jorja and I watched Chuck until Hailey got home from babysitting. We have watched many, many episodes of Chuck. Jorja drove down to Hailey's house and stayed there until 11:30. She slept with me again tonight. Mike told her to enjoy it because he was moving back in tomorrow night. Mike and Preston slept on the couch downstairs. Preston has loved having Mike with him this week. I was so tired by the time we got to bed. Last night I didn't get to sleep until 1:30 in the morning. I was up by 4:00. It was ridiculous. I did have a thought that woke me up and wouldn't let me get back to sleep. I don't want to talk about it here, but it consumed me. It had to do with Jorja and I talked to her about it in the morning. She followed my advice. Hopefully I can sleep better tonight. I fell asleep almost instantly and woke up around 1:30. Jorja was still watching Chuck and playing on her phone. I had her put the phone away and get to sleep. Her sleeping schedule is so messed up at the moment. Hopefully we can get things back to normal next week.
Hailey & Jorja

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