Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Big Boy Sore Throat

I gave Jorja her medicine last night around midnight. Advil and two sleeping pills. The sleeping pills really helped, she slept all night long. I woke her up at 6:00 to take more medicine and then let her get back to sleep. Matt called me this morning. He needed my help to watch his kids while he ran keys down to Sam. She had to take the van last minute. The van doesn't need the key in the ignition to start. She was able to start the car at home and drove it to her work, only to realize she would have no way to start the car to drive home. I was worried because I didn't want to leave Jorja. She would be scared if she woke up and I was gone. That's what happened yesterday. I was at the school. Mike was with her, he was just shoveling the walk. Anyway, Jorja woke up an hour after Mike called. I got her more medicine, made sure she was okay and had everything she needed. I then hurried down to Matt's house. I had a short window, because I needed to get back to give Jorja more medicine in an hour and a half. Matt was able to get Sam her keys and he got back just in time for me. I got to hold Amy for an hour and a half. She is so tiny! She was great, as long as she was being held, although I never even tried to put her down. When I got home, Jorja had made dinonuggets for herself. W-O-W! I think she ate two nuggets. This is impressive for two reasons. One, she was lucid and strong enough to make something. Two, she actually ATE two dinonuggets! That's almost as much food as she has had in the last four days! Jorja was for sure better than she was yesterday. Hopefully she is on the downward stretch. I still had her sleep with me. As we were laying in bed she said, "I didn't complain about my throat today, did you notice?....This is nothing. If I complained then Heavenly Father would say, 'Ha! You think that is bad! Let's give you your big boy sore throat back.'" Hahaha. She cracks me up. I wish Jorja was feeling well enough to do homework. She is going to be so behind. The two of us watched Chuck most of the day. She is just not well enough to concentrate at all.

Mike brought Jorja's duck inside for her. He always puts them straight into the bathtub when he brings them in, because they are stinky! Also, it's good for them to swim. He doesn't like them swimming outside because they don't have all of their feathers yet. I laugh every time I see him blowdrying them though.
Kiki & Quacky Chan
 Jorja & Kiki, Preston & Quacky Chan

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