Friday, December 21, 2018

Jorja Gets Her Ears Pierced

Yesterday Sherry gave me the handprints she made for Amy and Blakely. I dropped off Amy's today.
Jorja has wanted to get her ears pierced for a long time. She has been so scared. I brought her last August to get it done. She lasted almost five seconds before she started panicking and needed to leave. I wasn't sure if she was going to go through with it this time, but I told her if she wanted to wear earrings to sweethearts she would need to get them pierced today. We drove down to Salt Lake to a piercing studio. I trusted them more than somewhere in the mall. The wait was LONG. We filled out the paperwork, gave them our phone number, then left to find somewhere to wait. Jorja did not want to wait in the studio. I wasn't familiar with the area, so we ended up just walking around a Smith's. I was about 50/50 on whether she would go through with this. I don't care if she has her ears pierced at all, I just know she really wanted to get it done.
Jorja waiting to get her ears pierced.
A guy named Frank pierced her ears. He was good at calming her down. Although after he pierced the first one he told her she couldn't take her earrings out for six months. Jorja was mad. She said if she went through all this she wanted to wear her earrings to sweethearts. I have no idea how to get the studs off, they don't have a real back. I'm worried if she tries she won't be able to get them back on. Well, if Jorja would have not walked out of the studio back in August she could wear her own earrings to sweethearts and prom.
Jorja & Frank
 Frank & Jorja
1st ear ~ he had to get Jorja to slow down her breathing, but she did it.
The needle he pierced her ear with stays in her ear. Interesting.
 One down, one to go.
Jorja did not like this at all. She survived though. She said the second ear hurt a lot. Not sure if it was because she knew more of what to expect. I'm glad she didn't walk out after only one ear was done though. I did like this place though. Frank changed his gloves constantly. I liked that.
Frank & Jorja
2nd ear
Success! Jorja & Frank
 There it is. I think she picked out good studs though, especially since she needs to wear them for six months.
 Jorja makes me laugh
We got back just in time for Jorja to get to work. We are celebrating Christmas tomorrow, so today is Christmas Eve for us. With Jorja at work, it is going to be a simple celebration. I took the kids to Chick-Fil-A to bother Jorja, and because Stockton wanted to go there. We only saw her for a hot second though. Next stop was Fantastic Sams. I had checked the website to see the hours and knew they were open late. Too bad when we got there they were closed. There was a hand made sign on the door. We tried Super Cuts and struck out there too. We did manage to get Mike a Christmas present. The kids wanted to get him the Zelda game for the Switch. I didn't know when we would get Preston a haircut, but Mike scheduled him online at Great Clips and got in. We hurried him down there. His haircut looks great! Once Jorja got back we opened the traditional Christmas jammies. Mike and I picked out Christmas cactus jammies in honor of Stockton going to Arizona next month.
Stockton, Stephanie, Mike, Jorja, Preston, Maysen
 My babies! Stockton, Jorja, Preston, Maysen
The kids have a tradition of sleeping in the same room on Christmas Eve. They also listen to Shrek Twelve Days of Christmas over and over. It is weird. I couldn't find their CD; but never fear, Preston was here to save the day. Preston found the song on Youtube, figured out how to have it play on a loop through a speaker. So, the lucky kids were still able to listen to that weird song all night long. The kids all slept in the boys room. Jorja was on a beanbag and Maysen was on the pull out bed. Last Christmas they will be able to do that.
Preston ~ I love his new haircut

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