Monday, December 31, 2018

New Years Eve

I took Jorja and Madison shopping looking for Sweetheart dresses today. We went down to City Creek. It was pretty fun. These are my two favorite dresses Jorja tried on.
 I think I like this one best
Madison and Jorja
The blue dress was pretty big on Jorja. She didn't end up getting a dress. She didn't love any of them. Her ideal dress would be sea foam green, lacy, to her knees and would twirl. She sure has ideas, too bad she can't find the dress to match. We hurried home so Jorja could get to work on time. Madison hung out with her while she got ready. Jorja left for work and I took Madison home. I ended up talking to her for two hours outside her house. I really like Madison. She has been such a great friend to Jorja.

Stockton was gone by the time I got home. He went to John's house to hang out with him before he leaves in two days. Ahhhh! That's crazy! I'm so glad Stockton is leaving at the end of this month! I would not be emotionally ready yet! Stockton had a great time playing games and came home ten minutes before midnight. I can't tell you how happy that made me. I didn't talk to him at all about when I wanted him home. But he wanted to spend his last New Years with us. I didn't get a family picture, but I got this cute video of Stockton.
Jorja hung out with her Chick-Fil-A friends after work. She was given specific instructions about how she needed to tell me if she went anywhere else and she needed to be home by 11:30. She texted and asked if she could stay later. Nope. She said she didn't have a way back to her car because they were at a different house. Woah. She did not tell me she went anywhere else, which is stupid because I wouldn't care. I don't know who one random person is verses the other, I just want to know where she is. If I can't trust her to be honest and follow through on directions on little things, how can I trust her on the big ones? I made her get a ride to her car and come home. She started crying as soon as she got inside. I was annoyed. She can't handle if I get frustrated with her. If I try and correct her on anything she takes it as I'm super disappointed in her and her life is ruined. She's a bit dramatic sometimes. I was sad because this was my last New Years Eve with my family and it ended in tears. I didn't even get a picture. At least I got the video. I love how it shows Stockton's personality. Well, 2018 is now officially over. Hopefully 2019 will be wonderful. I am sure going to miss Stockton.

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