Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Family Pictures

Jorja has been begging me to get family pictures taken for a long time. She is jealous of the families that get their picture taken every year. Pictures are so overwhelming for me. I hate figuring out what people will wear. I finally told Jorja if she figured everything out, we would do it. She got her friend Mia to take the pictures. Mia is in student government with Jorja. She is the Student Body Historian. She did a fantastic job. I didn't want to buy any new clothes, so we rummaged through our closet to see what we could come up with. We found sweaters for everyone. All the colors were kind of dark and grayish except Jorja's. She wanted to wear her red sweater, and I thought a splash of color would be good. Maysen didn't like that idea. She thought it would look weird. I guess if she was the only one in a bright color it would look like the Jorja show. I found a red skirt that I thought about wearing, but the kids didn't like it. Finally we found Jorja's old ugly Christmas sweater from a few years ago. I wore it backwards and voila! Worked like a charm! We took the pictures in our backyard, everyone was wearing snow boots. It was so low key. Perfect for our family. I love them. I'm so happy Jorja wanted to do this and that she followed through with it. I'm going to love these. The first one is my favorite. I'm going to try and get this as the header for my blog. Stockton has been wanting me to change that picture for years. I think the one up now is from five years ago when we were in Hawaii. Changing from the beach to the snow I guess. Anyway, here are all of our pictures. Well, most of them. I am a lot heavier than I have been in years and I don't like it. Some of the pictures showed my extra weight more than others. There is a cute one of Mike and I together. I just need to crop it, but am too lazy to do it now. I'll add that one on a different day.
Stockton with Stephanie, Jorja, Maysen, Mike & Preston
 Jorja, Stockton, Stephanie, Preston, Mike, Maysen
 Jorja, Stockton, Stephanie, Mike, Maysen, Preston
 My babies ~ Jorja, Preston, Stockton, Maysen
 Stockton & Preston
 Stockton & Jorja
 Stockton & Maysen
 Stockton & Stephanie
 Stockton & Mike
 Stephanie, Stockton, Jorja, Preston, Maysen, Mike
 Mike, Stephanie & Waddluigi, Jorja & Kiki, Preston & Quacky Chan, Maysen & Quackletta, Stockton
 Mike with Waddluigi & Quackletta
 Jorja & Kiki, Preston & Quacky Chan
 Preston & Quacky Chan
 Jorja & Kiki
 Jorja, Mike & Kiki, Stephanie
 Jorja & Stephanie
 Back of our sweaters
 Jorja with our fantastic photographer Mia
Mike took everyone to Village Inn tonight for dinner. We were fancy all dressed up. It was also free pie day, so that was great. Mike gave me a ring at Village Inn right before he left on his mission. I wore it there tonight. It was a small heart ring with a tiny diamond inside. Wow, that was a long time ago.
Maysen & Preston
Ashley's mission call finally came today! I think she's been waiting a month for it. Maysen, Stockton and I all went to hear her open it. Jorja was at a work party. Ashley is going to Lisbon, Portugal. I am so excited for her. She has been talking about going on a mission for a long time. I know when she was my beehive she was always planning on going. Crazy that it is finally here. Crazy that my beehives are all in college, missions, and Paige is even getting married in a few months! Ahhhh!!! How did that happen? I sure do love those girls.
Olivia, Ashley, Jacqui, Jeff
 Jacqui had a picture of me with Ashley. I love it! (Still wearing my sweater backwards.)

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