Thursday, January 31, 2019

Secret Message

Today was a LONG day! I knew it was Stockton's p-day from a short little message he was able to send us about an hour after he got to the MTC. I kept emailing Mike to check and see if Stockton had written. I didn't have access to where Stockton would be sending his letters yet. After school Jorja told me that her friend's brother had Thursday as a p-day too. He wasn't able to have p-day the first Thursday he was there, so Stockton probably wouldn't get one too. That was sad. Anyway, before we left, Mike had set up a google photo account in the hopes that we would see Stockton's pictures as he took them. In his quick email yesterday he told us he had to change settings on his phone while in the MTC, so the photo thing probably wouldn't work. Well, at the end of the day we decided to check just because. Look what was waiting for us there! This picture made me so happy! I'm glad Stockton was thinking about us and that we would be expecting a letter. I'm glad he figured out a way to get a message to us. It was so cool! Best picture ever!
Nothing too exciting to report today. I couldn't get Preston to go to diving. He said it would be too sad without Stockton. I keep asking him if he wants to find another activity. He doesn't. Although he is surprisingly enjoying his dance class at school. Maybe we can find a ballroom class for him? That would be really cool too. Funny story, I asked Jorja if I could see her phone. She sent me this picture. What a smart aleck.

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