Monday, January 28, 2019

Stockton's 19th Birthday

Wow! Wow! Wow! My baby boy is 19 years old. I am so proud of him. He is adored.
Stockton & Jorja
Stockton's birthday wish came true when he defeated Christopher Robin, the Mike Tyson of baseball
Haha! That game was incredibly hard. Stockton was so annoyed with it. Nice he can go on his mission with that accomplishment under his belt! Stockton and I checked Jorja out of school. There were having an assembly. Jorja had already heard the speaker before and she was not a fan. She said he was the worst speaker she has ever heard. He tries to scare the kids and convince them that they are causing suicides by using social media. He's kind of a hypocrite because that is how he communicates and how he became famous was making fun of people on social media. Anyway, Jorja has a hard enough time making it through the day, I wasn't going to have her sit through that. Stockton and I took Jorja out to lunch. Stockton chose to go to Cubby's. We got there a few minutes before their lunch officially started. No other customers were in the entire store. They said they couldn't start making our burgers until 11:00. We laughed about that. Weird policy. Anyway, lunch was good and we got Jorja back to school just in time for her next class. Stockton and I then went to the DMV to get his driving record. He has to bring that on his mission. When we came home we found a notice for jury duty in the mailbox. For Stockton. Well, don't think he will be able to make it to that! I've never been asked to serve on a jury. Mike has once, for a murder trial. That resulted in a mistrial. Stockton gets asked the day he turns 19.
The big event today was Chuck-E-Cheese! This was Stockton's choice. A few years ago Mike got a $75 gift card to Chuck-E-Cheese from his dad for his birthday. We laughed and laughed because our kids were now older and there aren't any Chuck-E-Cheeses nearby. We have talked about going on our way to Idaho, but we always end up in being in such a rush. Stockton thought it would be hilarious to go for his 19th birthday. He was right. We had so much fun! They don't do tokens anymore, they do unlimited games for a certain timeframe. That was way better! It was awesome to be able to play any game in the store without worrying that we were getting ripped off. Mike bought cards for everyone for 45 minutes. The kids ran around like crazy playing the different games. The place was pretty empty, so we could do anything we wanted. So much fun!
Preston, Stockton, Jorja
 And Mike ~ we ordered cinnamon breadsticks before we started. They took forever!
 Stockton ~ Haha! I love him!
 Preston and Mike both hit the jackpot on this game
Preston in the hamster wheel
Jorja was so good at this game! She got the 100 ticket jackpot seven times!
Preston loved this game!
 Jorja in the hamster wheel. She could NOT do this. Mono stinks.
 Preston, Jorja, Stockton
 Jorja and Mike's back
 Preston and Mike
 Preston, Stockton, Mike
We let Stockton choose the prize. He picked Cootie! Haha!
Top shelf prize
 Stockton with the fruits of our labor
Oh man, we had the best time. The only way it would have been better was if Maysen were with us. She would have loved it. We came home and had presents and cake. Stockton had his traditional cake that he has had every year since we lived in Georgia. I almost forgot to order it. Glad I didn't. That would have been sad.
 Singing Happy Birthday ~ Jorja, Stockton, Mike, Preston
 Jorja is going to miss Stockton
 I didn't get him candles, so Mike had him blow out the lighter.
 Jorja demolished everyone in Cootie. Well, she started off strong. Stockton caught up, but she still secured the victory.
 Our cooties
Stockton got a new phone for his birthday. He has to take a specific phone on his mission. He also got a Twoson shirt. This is the one thing he asked for. It is from a game Earthbound and Stockton thinks it is hilarious.
Gavin came over to say happy birthday and goodbye to Stockton. Gavin has been Stockton's best friend by far. It's weird to think he is only two months older than Jorja. (Gavin and Jorja are in different grades though.) Anyway, he sure is going to miss him. It's especially hard to say goodbye when you have no idea when you will see someone again. Stockton knows he will always have his family, but Gavin...who knows where he will be. I can't imagine these two will ever lose touch though. Bonds like that just don't break because of little things like time and distance.
Gavin & Stockton
 I'm so glad these two had each other.
That was it. Stockton's 19th birthday is now over. All of the fun stuff is finished. Things are going to get super real tomorrow. Tomorrow the stake presidency is coming over and he will be an official missionary. I can't believe it. This is going to be hard.

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