Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Snow Day

School was actually cancelled. In Utah. It was weird. There was a lot of snow, but it didn't seem like a crazy amount. I was nervous to go to my exercise class since I wasn't sure if the plows would be out that early. I decided to take Jorja's car because she has the best tires, but then I couldn't find the keys. I looked and looked and looked. I even woke Jorja up. She told me they were on the piano. Nope. Turns out they were in her student government sweater in her room. I didn't check there. I ended up missing my class. Maybe that was for the best since they ended up cancelling school. Too bad I was up by 4:00. I hope the weather is better for Saturday!

The snow let up for a bit in the afternoon and I decided to try a locksmith place to get Jorja's key re-keyed. When we bought her car they gave us a blank key thing. We couldn't find anywhere that would do it. The VW place wouldn't even do it. I called a different VW place today. They recommended Bob's locksmith. They were able to do it! It ended up being around $40, which is a ton better than over $200. That is what the VW place quoted me as. He did have to call in a specialist to do it. I waited about twenty minutes for him to get there. It took awhile, but they were able to get it done. The snow started up again while I was there. The bad thing was, I had to push back Jorja's seat so they could get in there and mess with things. Then the seat would not go forward. It wouldn't latch. I tried to drive home, in a snowstorm, like that; but there was no way. The locksmith guys were super helpful. They worked with me for 45 minutes on it. They tried everything from putting boxes behind the seat to wedging an iron bench in there. Finally they came up with a cool padlock they were able to put in the latch. It took them forever and the seat was too close. He tried again. It was still a little close, but I told him it was fine. Jorja had to get to work, my phone died, the car was out of gas, and they had spent forever helping me as it was. I was ready to get home. The guy didn't even charge me for the $11 lock he used. They were so nice.
Jorja's car at the locksmiths
Jorja was stressing when I got home. She didn't know how she would get to work. I got home about ten minutes before she needed to be there. I drove Jorja to work because I was not sure the car would make it. At least Jorja had a cell phone that we could call from if we got stranded. Luckily that didn't happen. On the way down we passed the flower sign. I made Jorja take a picture so I could send it to Jordyn, then I forgot. Too bad Jordyn's name came up during the biggest snowstorm. Canyons School District has never closed for snow before. This was the first. I think they've been around for 10 years.
 Flower Kanani gave me...we haven't killed it yet!
The worst thing to happen today, by far was this.....Brett sent my brothers' and I a text that was not happy. Here is our message thread....

Stephanie: So happy for you Brett (sent on Monday)

Brett: Haha. Just kidding. They messed up and told me I was promoting. Turns out I'm not. Weird turn of events. So this just in...not promoting.

Dad: Foot

Matt: Seriously? The military is dumb.

Dad: Door

Brett: Foot is right.

John: That's lame.

Stephanie: Wait! What?

John: It's like when Slytherin won the House Cut in Year 1 and then all of a sudden Dumbledore just gives a bunch of points to Gryffindor for the win.

Brett: First, my boss brought the whole office together to tell me I was promoting. Then, the vice commander of the base brings the whole office together to congratulate me on promoting. Then, the wing commander sends out a congratulatory email to the whole base that me and one other guy are promoting. Then I go to the official list today to see what my line number is to see when this promotion happens and I don't see me on the list. So I dig deeper and now it turns out I'm not on the promotion list.

John: Maybe the list is wrong. Has anyone confirmed to you that you are not promoting?

Brett: We called the lady at the personnel center that has a pretty official list. I'm confident the list is correct and somewhere along the way the messaging of the list derailed.

John: Crazy. Does your boss, vice commander and wing commander know about this?

Brett: Yeah. My boss just said they are upset. He gave me the heads up that the wing commander is probably going to call me.

John: Hope he can maybe pull some strings for you.

Brett: I wish, but he is pretty powerless against the Air Force promotion machine.

Stephanie: I'm not a fan of that machine.

John: Two thumbs down. Glitchy machine.

Bubs: So I just got all these messages out of order, but did the Air Force really just jerk you around like that? That's ridiculous. Who's in charge of promotions over there, Steve Harvey?

Brett: It's cra cra. I forgot about that Steve Harvey thing. Yes, like that.

Bubs: So in effect, they decided to tell you in the most painful way possible that you didn't get it.

Brett: Correct.

Bubs: We were in Vegas the night that happened, so I feel connected to it.

Brett: No. They feel super bad. It wasn't their fault. I saw the email notification they got and it looked official and exactly like they usually see.

Bubs: Well, that's terrible. Sorry they did you like that.

Brett: Not sure where the messaging went wrong though. It's super embarrassing to them so I have no doubt they are finding out how this happened.

Matt: gif image of the host taking the crown off of the announced Miss America and putting it on the actual Miss America

Bubs: Seems like these promotions are kind of random anyway. Did they give you a reason why you weren't promoted?

Brett: No. Not being promoted isn't a big surprise. I figured I had a 50/50 chance on it.

Bubs: They told me I didn't move up in reffing last year because I'm too fat. The guy who told me, who's one of the highest ranked refs in the state, is a huge sloth of a man that is at least 70 lbs. heavier than me.

Brett: Weird. Who cares about competence.

Bubs: All about perception in reffing. They like guys that can "sell" calls better than guys that make good calls. It explains a lot.

Mike: I'm really sorry Brett....that really sucks.

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