Sunday, March 10, 2019

Drama Brat

Jorja gave a talk today. She is a great speaker. She didn't prepare for this talk. Not because she didn't want to, she just ran out of time. She is super busy right now. It's too bad because usually she loves talks and works hard on them. My dad and Max came to watch her, that was nice. Here is Jorja's talk:

About a month ago my mom came up to me and she told me about this church history tour that my grandpa was doing. She told me that there was this contest for teens and all I had to do was write an eight page essay about a hero of my church history. Then if I won I could go on this week long church history tour in the summer, and I'm so excited. It was really hard because I'm not a good essay writer. Even when I write just two page papers I have to like sit in front of the computer for like three hours before I can even start writing anything. The longest essay I've ever written was like three pages. But luckily I did what any responsible teen would do, and I procrastinated my essay until the last hour before it was due. But in that hour I learned more about my church history than any class has ever taught me. So I just want to share, this is part of the first paragraph that I wrote. It says:

When asked who the heroes of my church history are, no one comes to mind more than my great-great-great-great grandfather. He not only devoted his life to the gospel, but his family's as well. He had to watch as his wife and children suffered and eventually died for this gospel that he wasn't even born in, but he was converted to. He devoted his life to the gospel and serving all those around him. He had to endure several terrible afflictions that words can't even begin to describe; yet continued onward with a full heart and an eager mind. He was a caring father, a loving husband and a respectful leader. He cared for all those around him and gave up everything to service. He was a role model for all those around him and he is my biggest example of strength, determination, love and Christlike kindness. He served the Lord throughout all his days and eventually died devoted to his service. This man is not only an example to me, but an example to everyone who knew him. His name is Stillman Pond and this is his story.

Then throughout the eight long pages of my essay I went on to describe all the many afflictions that he had to suffer through. I'm not going to go into all of them but I just wanted to share from the journal of Helen Moor Whitney she said:

On Wednesday, the 2nd of December, 1846, Laura Jane Pond, age 14 years, daughter of Stillman and Almyra Pond died of chills and fever. Friday, the 4th of December 1846, Marriet M. Pond, age 11 years, daughter of Stillman and Maria Pond died with chills. Monday, the 7th of December 1846 Abigail A. Pond, age 18 years, daughter of Stillman and Almyra Pond, died with chills. Friday, the 15th of January, 1847, Lyman Pond, age 6 years, son of Stillman and Maria Pond, died with calls and fever.

Just in that short journal entry that's like within a month he watched four of his children die as they were traveling across the plains. I don't know how he was able to carry on after seeing four of his young children die and he couldn't do anything about it. Even after watching four of his children die, the rest of his children and his beloved wife died before they reached where they were going. I don't know how he was able to go on when he had lost everyone he cared about. He was converted to the gospel, so the rest of his family weren't with him as he left his home and travelled across the plains. So he was so lost. It was just him. Everyone he loved had died; but through this he still devoted his life to service, and I know that the Savior was able to help lift up his burdens as he served all those around him.

Real quick I just want to share. This is my favorite scripture. It is D&C 121:7-9 and it says:

My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.

This scripture became my favorite scripture a couple of years ago, and it's gotten me through a lot in my life. Last year was a really hard year for me, and I know that without the gospel I wouldn't have been able to get through it. I was just surrounded by a lot of darkness my whole year, and I didn't understand why I couldn't just be happy like everybody else around me. I know that without the gospel I wouldn't have been able to come out of that darkness and be able to find the light that He is. That brings me through my life. I know that without service I wouldn't have been able to feel his love around me. I'd just like to testify that service is the easiest way to have our burdens be lifted up; because if we're not thinking about ourselves then we won't be thinking about our trials and we'll be able to help those around us. Lastly I just want to share this poem that I like. You've probably heard it before, but it goes:

My life is but a weaving, between my Lord and me.
I cannot choose the colors, he worketh steadily.
'Oft times he weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride
Forget he sees the upper, and I the underside.
Not 'til the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reasons why.
The dark threads are as needful in the weaver's skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern he has planed.
He knows, he loves, he cares. Nothing his truth condemn.
He gives his very best to those who leave the choice with Him.

I just like to bear my testimony that He knows you and He knows the trials you are going through, and He is there if you will let him. He's there to lift up your burdens if you will just come to Him, because He loves you. You are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves you so much and you are not alone.
Text to Mike from Burke Staker after Jorja's talk
Haha. Burke always calls Jorja 'Drama'. It's a pretty good nickname for her. Mike and I stayed after church to get our temple recommends renewed. We also got our stake ones done today as well. I'm so glad the recommends last two years now! The rest of the day was spent with homework and puzzles. We did one more puzzle from Jordyn's book. It was pretty fun. I don't even know how to explain it, but it wasn't too hard to figure out. I love Sundays.

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