Thursday, March 14, 2019

Flat Stanley and the Jazz

Happy pi day! I picked up a banana cream pie for Preston's after school snack. He LOVES his after school snack. I started this years ago. I would have snacks for the kids and they could eat it while they told me about their day. Turns out that all the kids hated it except Preston. The other kids would groan and roll their eyes when I said I had a snack for them. Preston, still, comes in the house and says, "What's the treat?" Haha! He has also hinted strongly that he wants banana cream pie today. So, there was one waiting for him. It wasn't completely thawed out by the time he got home, but it was there.

Mike and I took Flat Stanley to the Jazz game today. I even curled my hair. I couldn't find my shoes, so I threw on Jorja's. She then rolled up my pant legs so you could see my Utah State socks. Then she rolled up my shirt. I know the shirt is huge. We got it from the playoff game last year. Extra large. But, it was my only Jazz shirt. I told her I looked like a teenager. Jorja laughed and said, "You look like me!" Anyway, Mike and I got to the Jazz game early so we could see a bit of their warmup. We took the opportunity to get some Flat Stanley pictures for Blake.
Flat Stanley and Stephanie
 Flat Stanley
 Flat Stanley & Stephanie
Rudy's three!
Mike got free Jazz tickets from work. Some company is trying to get Overstock to buy their product. The sales guy wanted Mike to come and listen to their presentation and offered him one Jazz ticket. Mike told them there was no way he could come without his wife, she would kill him if he went without her. Hahaha. Well, one of us listens to every Jazz game on their app while the other one is completely uninterested in basketball. (I wish we could watch the games on tv, but I don't want to pay for the channel when I would be the only one that wanted it. The radio/app thing works good enough for me. Most games.) Anyways, it took us a bit to find the room where the presentation was. They had free Jazz shirts and tacos waiting for us. We listened to the presentation and I had no idea what was going on. That was okay, because the seats were excellent! They said they usually get a suite for things like this, but they didn't this game. I loved sitting this close even more.
Flat Stanley ~ I like Donovan Mitchell in this picture
Gail Miller addressed the crowd before the game. She talked for a long time about racism and having civility while cheering for the Jazz. There was an incident a few days ago where a fan was saying awful things to Russell Westbrook. Westbrook got upset, the video went viral and the fan was banned for life. Anyway, Gail Miller did an excellent job. You could tell she was nervous and her voice shared a bit, but she was awesome. The game was super fun. Jazz won and I loved it. I'm glad Mike sat through a presentation he had no desire to attend so I could come to the game today. I told Mike if we were billionaires, I would love to have season tickets to the Jazz, especially this close. He thinks that is weird.
 Flat Stanley decided he was done taking pictures and just wanted to watch now.
 Stephanie & Mike ~ taking selfies is hard
Jorja was home when we got back. She had a date earlier with Moses. They were going to go to the sophomore soccer game because the sophomore officers were required to attend and bring a huge banner, except Jorja was the only one who could go. Moses doesn't even go to Alta, but he was a good sport and agreed to go too. Jorja found out the game was cancelled when she got to Moses' house. They went and got burritos instead. They videoed themselves eating the burrito. Moses went home and edited the video and sent it to Jorja. We were all cracking up watching it. It was the dumbest thing, but at the same time super funny.

Maysen and Preston were gone when we got home. Preston was laughing so hard when he got back. They had tried to go to Pizza Pie Cafe, but kept getting lost. Preston is a hilarious story teller. There is no chance I can recreate his description. At one point in their adventure Maysen turned into the Chick-Fil-A drive thru lane on accident. They were surrounded by cars, but didn't want anything, so they just drove through instead of talking to anyone and ordering. They were gone for over an hour but never ended up getting pizza. They did go to Walmart and get a car charger and lemon cake. Actually they went to two different Walmarts. Mike and I actually were following them home from the Jazz game, but they turned down a different street and we were almost out of gas so we didn't follow them. Oh, did I mention Maysen came home from Logan today? She is on Spring Break this week. She was planning on coming yesterday but I asked her to wait another day. The roads were awful. She got home while Mike and I were at the Jazz game. It is nice to have her with us!

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