Saturday, March 23, 2019

Four Times

Jorja was crazy busy today. She had plans to hang out with Gavin and Connor. Gavin wanted to go to a trampoline place. Jorja hinted that she didn't want to go there, but didn't tell him no because she thought it would be rude. I told her to just tell him and he would understand. When Stockton was here he would always try and get Jorja to hang out with him and his diving friends. She would always tell him she would feel stupid because they would be doing flips and stuff and she wouldn't be able to do anything. She knew the same thing would happen here but didn't feel she could tell him she didn't want to go. Anyway, Jorja looked super cute when she was heading out the door. She didn't look like she was going to a trampoline place. I saw her put shorts into her bag so I just figured she was changing there. Nope. That was for her date tonight. She texted me and said, "Apparently I was supposed to bring clothes to change into???" She thought you wore normal clothes there. She texted me on and off while she was there. She did not have fun. The boys, who are both divers and both have taken trampoline classes, had fun showing off their flips for Jorja. They didn't realize that she was not enjoying watching them, she just felt completely embarrassed. One thing that Jorja is super good at is she is hyper aware of making the other person feel comfortable. Whenever she is planning an activity she is always talking to me about who she should ask and what she should do based on the comfort of the other person. Take Sweethearts for example. For a year and a half she had talked to me about wanting to take Evan to Sweethearts. When she was at student government camp she texted me that Sweethearts would be on Evan's birthday. I asked her if she was still planning on taking him. She texted back 'Absolutely'. Then when it came down to asking the boys she changed her mind. She was going with the student government girls. She said Evan wouldn't know anyone and he would feel uncomfortable. She talked to me about the personalities of the people going and Evan's personality. She didn't ask him. Not because she didn't want to go with him, because she knew in this situation he wouldn't feel comfortable. I love how she does that. Most people don't. Gavin certainly didn't think about if Jorja would be comfortable in this activity. But he is learning. He felt bad that Jorja didn't have fun. Later Stockton told her that he always avoided going to the trampoline places with Gavin and Connor because he knew he would feel stupid around them. If there isn't water, he doesn't feel comfortable with the flipping. If Stockton feels that way imagine how Jorja felt.
They were only able to be at the tramp place for a little under two hours. It was up in Provo and Jorja had to be to work by 4:00. She was a little stressed she would be late. She hates not being in control. I understand that feeling. They did have time to stop by Panda Express. I thought Jorja's fortune was awesome and accurate. Your sense of humor is a joy to all.
Gavin & Jorja's fortune
Jorja texted me about her grades while she was there. She found out she got a B+ in Packer's class, which is a lot better than the D+ she had awhile ago. It stinks because if she hadn't had mono she would have had an easy A in this class. Not as bad as the B- she got in chemistry, which also would have been an easy A for her. When will mono end? Jorja changed into her work clothes in the car in Gavin's driveway. She told me not to worry, Gavin wasn't there. Haha. Jorja asked if I would pick up some bright pink leggings for her at Zurchers for her date tonight. I decided to do that because I saw the pink shorts she put in her bags. I would really want her to wear leggings under those shorts. I did that and stopped by Chick-Fil-A. Jorja was driving the pilot because she was going straight to her date where she would need more seats than her bug has. I drove the jeep, but forgot to bring the pilot keys. I ended up putting her bag on the windshield. I then went through the drive thru and ordered a frozen key lime drink and chicken soup. Jorja was on headset when I ordered my food. I told her where I put her stuff. She didn't like that. She told me she would give me keys when I was at the window. Haha.

Anyway, Jorja coordinated a disco skating night with her friends. She has wanted to have a date with Drew for a long time. He is awesome and so funny! She got Emily and Madison to come. Madison asked a boy named Isaac. Emily had Jorja find her a date. When Jorja was at Madison's birthday party she asked a boy named Cinco if he wanted to go on a triple date with her. He had never met Emily before but said it sounded like fun. He is a football player and yesterday was the first day that Jorja had ever talked to him. That girl is fearless. (Jorja told me she really wanted Madison to go on this date so Cinco would feel comfortable. Also, she knew Cinco was extremely good at roller skating, so he would be a great person to ask.... Another example of her always being aware of how others will feel. I love her!) Unlike the activity this morning, Jorja was super excited about this. I was excited for her too. I knew she would have the best time. Jorja changed into her bright pink clothes and then picked up Drew, then Emily and Cinco. Next was Madison who had to work a bit longer than Jorja. Madison's date couldn't come until 10:00 so they went to Iceberg first.
Isaac who wasn't there yet, Drew, Cinco

Cinco, Drew, Madison, Jorja
A little before 11:00 Jorja send me a message that she threw up. She told me that they had just arrived at Classic and gotten their skates. She was putting on her skates when she felt sick. She hurried to the bathroom and threw up. She said she felt so sick. A few minutes later she told me she was in the bathroom again. "It just happened again. Like a lot. I can see my Panda Express. I feel so bad for everyone." Then about thirty minutes later, "I thew up again. Is it okay if Cinco drives home? I'm not sure I can. He's a junior. He'll be very safe." So, the date Jorja coordinated and was super excited about ended up being a bust. Lame! I hope the other people had fun. Jorja was out of it when she got home. She was posting videos and sounded just like she did when she had mono. I sure hope the mono isn't returning. Jorja ended up throwing up four times at the roller skating rink. I had the guest room ready for her when she got home. She likes to sleep close to me when she is sick. She crawled into bed as soon as she walked in the door. She asked if I would take off her makeup for her. So, I sat on her bed and took off her makeup while she talked to me. I felt so bad for her. Definitely not waking her up for church tomorrow morning. Jorja has rarely been sick her entire life. She had pneumonia once, but that didn't last long. When she was a baby she had to be taken in an ambulance with a high fever, but still that was over after a few days. A couple of times we had to do the nebulizer for her breathing, but not as much as Stockton. The mono has been absolutely awful! It feels like it is never going to end. Jorja hasn't been healthy in a long, long time. We are almost at the four month mark of her being diagnosed. I have heard it lasts 6-8 months. This is ridiculous. Crazy how Jorja has been effected so much more than Preston. Huge difference in getting mono at 12 instead of 16.

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