Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Seize the Day

Today was crazy busy. I laughed when I looked at the calendar. There were so many things crammed into the space. Tomorrow is completely blank. Haha. Oh well. I started the day early at the gym. On Wednesdays Mike gets the kids up for me. I came home and Mike was super happy. It was weird to see him with that much energy in the morning. He isn't usually a morning person. Things were going great. Until I walked into the computer room and saw Preston on his computer still in his jammies. I asked if he had eaten yet. Nope. We went into speed mode at that time. Preston and I had to chase the bus down, but he made it at the second stop. It was funny.

I checked Jorja out of school today. She was frustrated when I picked her up. She had talked to her Chemistry teacher on Monday after school about her grades. She was told she could do some test corrections to get her grade up to a B. Today her teacher told her she never said that. She also asked why Jorja didn't turn in a project that was 10% on her grade. Jorja had no idea the project even existed. It was assigned when she was gone and she was never told about it. It wasn't even listed on Skyward. It was listed on Canvas, but Jorja usually doesn't check that unless she has something assigned. She just didn't realize she had anything. She is so sad. It looks like she will get a C+ in her class that has been so easy for her. Have I mentioned how much I hate mono? Jorja thinks she is getting better. She is still tired, but not as much and she doesn't get as sick as often. Let's hope this never comes back! Jorja's plan is to retake this chemistry quarter. That should be easy for her. Jorja has been picking up science super quick. I'm crossing my fingers that Packer is just freaking Jorja out with her D- in his class. I can't believe my straight A student has grades like this. Hopefully once her health is under control everything else will fall into place.

I checked Jorja out of school so we could go watch Preston perform a Newsies number. Preston has loved his musical theater class, which has shocked everybody. He was so dang adorable. I recorded the show, but it was too long to put on here, and not done very well. (My recording, not Preston!) Anyway, it was so stinking cute! I'm so glad we were able to see him and I'm glad Jorja was able to come with me.
Preston and I went and got smoothies after the show. He looks grumpy in the picture above, but he wasn't at all. I love him! Jorja didn't come with us because she met one of her friends that still goes to Indian Hills. Her name is Sophie. They were in the same orchestra class when Jorja was an 8th grader and she was a 6th grader. She was the first person Jorja told that she wanted to run for student government. Anyway, they met in the commons and then went to get food. Jorja asked her where she would like to go and she picked Chick-Fil-A. Hahahaha! Jorja just can't get away from that place! The went to the dollar store afterwords and Jorja sent me a picture of a cactus cup. Awe!!! Stockton! I love him!
I met Mike at Mimi's Cafe down in Midvale. Chris and Jane were in town. Gayle and her kids were also there. Gayle had called me last week to ask if I could come. I was in the car, but remembered the details when I got home. Jane asked if I had contacted my brothers and asked them to come because Gayle didn't have their numbers. Whoops. I had no idea I was supposed to do that. Sorry Bubs and Matt! My dad is in Israel right now, so he couldn't come. It was so fun to see Chris and Jane! I adore them. Mike and I had to hurry so we asked if our food could come out early. We were eating while everyone else was ordering. We left early so we could see Weston play lacrosse. He was playing against Alta at Alta. This had been on my calendar for a long time and I made sure Jorja got it off of work so she could go. Alta won by a long way, but it was fun to see Weston play. He starts as a sophomore, which is pretty impressive. One of Jorja's friends nailed him at the end of the game though. Knocked him down flat. Pretty sure a penalty should have been called on that one because Weston didn't have the ball. Mike and I sat next to Steve. He brought blankets and a heater so we were quite cozy. Jorja sat next to us instead of the student section. Wow! She was with Emily and then Traven found her at half time and watched the rest of the game with us.
Weston & Jorja
Jorja went with Emily, Hailey and Madison to answer Gavin to prom. Then they went and picked up stuff for Madison to answer her date. She came back later than she planned. She was hoping to get to bed early enough to be able to go to the temple tomorrow. That didn't happen. It was quite the busy day.
Jorja & Gavin

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