Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Skype Interview

I picked up Jorja from school and we drove to Provo with Flat Stanley. I wanted to get a picture of him in front of the Y since he has a Y on his shirt. Too bad the Y is really hard to see.
Flat Stanley
 Flat Stanley pointing at the Y
We tried to make last minute plans with Michael while we were here, but he was at work. Jorja and I went to Bowl of Heaven and had some açaí bowls. They were delicious. Jorja's was better than mine.
We swung by the Provo City Temple on the way to the freeway and decided to take Flat Stanley there for a bit. I wanted to go into the visitor center thing and get a picture of him in front of the Christus Statue, but Jorja said that was weird. There were a lot of people in there dressed in their church clothes, so I decided not to push it.
Flat Stanley
 Jorja and Flat Stanley
Jorja had her Taiwan interview today. It was over Skype. She is hoping to be picked to go to Taiwan this summer. It would be for three weeks. She would go to ten different high schools and meet with the kids there. She would stay with a host family. That is what she would do the first week. Two high schools a day. The second week she would be trained on whatever service project they are planning and the third week they would do the service project. This would be such a great opportunity for her and an amazing experience. She would be so good it too. She definitely isn't shy. Most of the interview was done in English, but a little was in Chinese. Jorja told them a little about herself in Chinese. One of the things she told them was she loved frogs. They laughed and told her that she would love Taiwan then. Hopefully that is a good sign! Jorja will find out next week if she is chosen.

Jorja spent the rest of the night doing homework and making a poster to answer Gavin to prom. She gathered pictures she had of them for it. It was funny looking for the pictures. She has known Gavin for years, but most of the pictures are of Gavin and Stockton. We were able to find plenty of the two of them though.
I laughed way too hard when I saw what Jorja sent for her streaks. Boom cow. That thing cracks me up. Jorja taking a picture of him being thrown in the air made me laugh and laugh. Little things amuse me I guess.
Jorja & Boom Cow

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