Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Will This Ever End

Jorja still feels really sick. It was late start and she ended up sleeping through Chinese. I was hoping she would at least make it to the end of that class, but she got there during History. I walked inside with her. The attendance people said were surprised I came in this time. I told them I needed to see my best friends. I seriously talk to them all the time. Jorja was wearing a sweater as we were driving down, she also had her student government sweater with her. She needed to wear that later in the day. She started getting upset and said she was freezing cold when she put the sweater on, but now she was really hot. I went to the office and bought her an Alta shirt. Luckily they had a small and it just happened to be the shirt that Jorja wanted. She had tried to buy it several times, but they usually only had a medium. I got this picture from Jorja shortly after I dropped her off. She sat down in her history class and immediately started crying. Packer was about to give her a hard time when he noticed how upset she was. He sent her into the hall. He came out and talked to her. She cried and cried. She told him how overwhelmed she was and how she was so tired of being sick. She is really nervous about being sick the first week in the new quarter. She thought she was finally better. Now she is going to have another quarter where she has to dig herself out of a hole. Packer told her to stay outside and listen to his lecture from the hall.
Sad sick Jorja
Jorja worked the election table during lunch and after school again. She came home and took a nap and felt a bit better by the time her dinner rolled around. Jorja had a celebration dinner with Chick-Fil-A for hitting her year mark. Technically she hasn't hit it yet, but everyone that had a year mark in the first quarter was taken out to dinner. Jorja had a great time, but couldn't eat much. She ordered off the kids menu and was only able to eat half of it.
It seems like there is always something keeping Jorja from going to Young Women's. Today it was this dinner. Too bad because it was a combined activity. Preston was able to go. They had a dinner with the older people in the ward. There were three courses. They sat with a group of people for the appetizers, then switched tables for the spaghetti and again for the dessert. Jorja would have loved it. She stopped by on her way back from her work dinner, but people were pretty much cleaning up then. She was super happy when she got home. That didn't last long though. She got ready for bed and started feeling sick again. I held her hair while she threw up. We were on the guest bed and luckily Jorja had a throw up bowl nearby. Jorja threw up a lot. She could barely talk and she gasped out, "That is nothing compared to Saturday." When will my little girl get better?

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