Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ax Throwing

Jorja's first day of campaigning was today and I can not believe I don't have a picture! I dropped Jorja off so she could hand out her signs this morning. I waited in the parking lot for her. She didn't go to Chinese today. Her class was having a field trip, but she couldn't go because of campaigning. She was disappointed about that. I brought Jorja home and we watched Psych until it was time for world history. Jorja had a great time today. She does love campaigning and all the people she gets a chance to talk with. Too bad it is so stressful. We can't figure out how Dallen was able to get three signs, three shirts and stay in the budget. Jorja wasn't able to get any shirts done this year.

Jorja had a date after school today. She works with twins that are sophomores at the same high school Weston goes to. They planned a triple date. Jorja set Weston up with Chloee and Drew up with Brynlee. She asked Teancum. He works with them too and also goes to the same high school as the others. The date didn't start out great though. Jorja was driving everyone in the pilot. She backed into our pillar as she was leaving. I don't know how she did it, but there is a giant dent in the pilot now. Jorja felt so bad. She came inside crying saying she was sorry. Hopefully it was a wake up call for her about how careful she needs to be when driving. I would rather her hit our pillar than another car or a child! Anyway, Jorja and her friends went ax throwing and Jorja had the best time. She said she awful at the beginning, but then figured it out and was able to get five bullseyes in a row. As a result their team demolished everyone else. Too bad Jorja didn't take pictures either! After ax throwing they went to pizza and back to our house to play Jackbox games. I had to remind Jorja that she and Drew have school tomorrow. The other kids are on spring break this week. I'm glad she had such a good time.

I went to Dixie Ray's bridal shower today. I was talking to Jaime and noticed she was wearing really pretty earrings. I have been wanting to get Jorja some nice earrings for Easter. I asked Jaime about it. She said she got them at OCTanner when she was working there years and years ago. I didn't recognize the store name but it sounded fancy. I asked her how much the earrings were. She kind of stuttered and said she was able to get them with her employee discount back when she was single. I stopped her and said, "I'm looking for earrings for Jorja and I don't know where to buy them." She laughed and laughed. They were REAL diamonds! They were huge! Nope. That is not what I'm looking for for Jorja at all!

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