Saturday, April 20, 2019

Backseat Lovers

Wow! Today was such a busy day! Jorja went to Alta to take a practice AP World History test. That took all morning. She came home and changed into her overalls and we headed back to the petting zoo. Mike came with us this time. He did pretty good considering there was hay everywhere. He was dying by the time we left and took three showers once we got home. We did get some great shots for Jorja and Mike to put together a video. They filled the entire thing with puns. The two of them crack me up.
Jorja and Clarabelle
 That bunny has pink eyes!
 She's freaking adorable
 She was trying to act like American Gothic
Jorja showered and got ready as soon as we got home. I let her drive to Hailey's house. Hailey's mom took Jorja, Hailey and Emily to Provo to see Jonas' band 'The Backseat Lovers'. This was the first time Jorja was able to see him. She had fun. Especially since she was able to hang out with Hailey and Emily today. She had bought her ticket a few weeks ago. I'm glad she was able to see Jonas. He is such a nice kid.

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