Monday, April 22, 2019

Junior Senator

Today was Election Day and Jorja was so nervous. She forgot her student government sweater. She was supposed to bring that so she could go collect votes in her assigned classes. She has been assigned a junior class all year, so they were voting in there. She wouldn't have been allowed to go in there if it was a sophomore class. Anyway, I had to run her sweater down and put it in her locker. It did give me a chance to look at the platforms that were up. Jorja's is adorable.
 Dallen is right above Jorja
I was nervous for Jorja all day. Jorja texted me during her last class of the day saying she was nervous and she was trying not to get her hopes up. I got to the school close to the time it ended and waited in the parking lot for her. If she had lost, she would be sent out of the room right away. I didn't want her to have to wait for me if that was the case. Just after 3:00 she texted me and told me to come to the front. She was there long enough that she didn't get sent out right away, but last year she stayed longer than that talking to people and taking pictures. I drove around to the front and saw her talking to a few people. She came over and got in the car. When she saw me she looked at me and shook her head. It was so sad. She whispered, "I got senator though." The person who loses by the closest margin gets to still be in student government as a senator. Jorja and I talked a long time after we got home. I asked her who read the names. Conner did. She said she kind of had a feeling when she walked in the room because she caught Conner's eye and could just tell. When Conner read Dallen's name he looked up and made eye contact with Jorja. That made her cry. She said that no one in the room would have been able to tell that Conner was sad, but he is her very best friend in student government. She could tell that he was hurting for her at that moment. It was hard. Jorja said she felt stupid for crying when she still gets to be in student government, the others don't get that chance. It is just hard. Student government means everything to her and she has worked so hard this year while she has been so sick. Jorja was the only girl with all boys her sophomore year. Now for her junior year she will be the only girl with all boys again. She was really hoping a girl would be there this year. She doesn't feel included with the boys. Who knows, maybe when she is senator instead of president they will include her more? Conner talked to Jorja after and gave her a hug. She said she cried when he did because it was Conner and he is her best friend. Right after, Dallen came to talk to her. Jorja said it was really awkward because she had just been crying with Conner. She felt kind of bad about that. Packer talked to Jorja after too. He was crying. He felt bad. He told her this loss has hurt him the most. He told Jorja he had been thinking a long time about what to do and has come up with something that he thinks will make her really happy. He told her he would talk to her tomorrow about it. Not sure what would make her really happy unless he changed the date of government camp so she could go. Jorja took this picture of her before work. She said she thinks pictures of her crying are funny.
Jorja worked from 4 to close tonight. That is a long time after something as emotional as this. It was probably good to get her out around people though. Although when she walked in she saw Bode and some of the other sophomore officers there celebrating. She felt bad that they didn't invite her when she technically also should be celebrating. Jorja and I talked after she got home. She was feeling better by that time. Really the only difference between being president and senator is the name on the back of the jacket and there will be a lot less stress. Jorja won't be in charge of prom this year. She will probably be on the committee. She felt such pressure during Morp. Mostly she wanted to prove to Packer that she could do a good job. She ended up doing most of the work. If something didn't happen it would look bad on her. For example, the historian is supposed to be in charge of photos and videos. Jorja wanted to make a Morp video. Marshall is the historian. He didn't come. I think he said he was sick, but I doubt he was as sick as Jorja was during this time. Anyway, Jorja came up with everything, videoed everything, edited everything.... it will be nice to let things go next year and just do what she is assigned. We will see if she will be able to do that though. Hopefully Dallen is hungry to be in student government and will work. He has run the other two years and hasn't made it in. Now that he is in, hopefully he will thrive. If that is the case then this next year should be fun for Jorja.

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