Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Jorja had to go to school early to turn in her sweater. They had a long, kind of boring meeting. Jorja was a little annoyed because Dallen and Bode were thirty minutes late to the meeting. They had gone to the temple and then out to breakfast. Marshall also brought money to pay for the sweater. Jorja ended up explaining to him he just needed to turn it in to get his name on it since he already had one. She was frustrated that she seemed to be the only (new) junior that knew what to do and was frustrated that Dallen and Bode didn't seem to think this was important. Hopefully that will change and this isn't how the entire year will be.

Mike has a good setup for Kiki. He's worried that she can't open her beak and isn't drinking. She is looking better than she did last night though. Mike spent all morning with her before he took her outside to her house. We will be gone most of the day, so we figured that would be the better place for her.
Mike and I drove down to Logan to help Maysen move home! Yay! She is so ready for this semester to be over. It was HARD. After a few hours moving her out, returning books and eating at the Crepery, we were headed home. Maysen drove Mike and I drove by myself. Traffic was horrible at the end. Glad that is over with. Jorja took Preston on an adventure while we were gone. They went to Target and to U-Swirl. Jorja saw some of her friends at Target. Gavin and Matt. Then went with her to get frozen yogurt too. Jorja said they were giving Preston lots of attention and he was loving it.
Gavin, Jorja, Matt
 Gavin, Jorja, Preston, Matt
Jorja had Young Women's tonight at Sister Bingham's house. While she was there we discovered Kiki had died. It's so sad. Quacky Chan keeps calling for her. I am not a dog fan and this has not changed my opinion of them in any way. She got bit while she was in her duck house where she was supposed to be safe. Poor poor little duckie.
Mike & Kiki
 Kiki & Jorja
 Just to end on a happier note, one of Jorja's friends sent her this picture. She thought it was so funny.

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