Wednesday, April 24, 2019

M. Russell Ballard

M. Russell Ballard came and talked to our stake relief society and young women today. Turns out his daughter lives in our stake. I made sure Jorja asked work off for this. After school Jorja asked if Madison could come over and they would work on homework together. I decided to let her. She lost the election on Monday and broke up with Mitchell yesterday, so Madison would probably be good for her. I went downstairs to give the girls a five minute warning. Jorja was passed out on Maysen's bed. I woke her up and asked her to be ready. We dropped off Madison and went early to the meeting. We were able to get a good seat which was nice. Jorja fell asleep on my shoulder and slept through Elder Ballard's daughter's talk. I tried to wake her up when Elder Ballard spoke, but she snapped at me. I am SOOOOOO tired of mono. It ruins so many things. Anyway, Elder Ballard's talk was good and I wish Jorja could have heard it. He talked mostly about staying focused on the simple doctrine of Christ. He mentioned many times how important it is to pray. He said that when they are preparing their conference talks a lot of people want them to reveal some profound mystery of heaven and are tired of hearing the same old 'say your prayers, read scriptures, repent...' Elder Ballard said, "Well, if you would figure that out we wouldn't have to keep telling you to do it! Until then, that is what you are going to hear." He said it much funnier and it made me laugh. He also said we need to find quiet time to 'be still and know that I am God'. What we feel will make a bigger difference than what we know. Anyway, it was a great talk and I wish I could remember more of it and I wish Jorja had been awake through it. 

I told Jorja I was going to drive home and she said that was a good idea. On the way home Emily asked her if she could help her ask Tyler to the dance. Jorja was suddenly alert and wanted to go help Emily. I was annoyed. Nope. If you can't stay awake for something that was important to me and I gave you one month warning, you aren't going to go with your friends.

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