Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Stand Off

Jorja went to school early for her election meeting. She is hoping to be the junior class president next year. Her highlight of the year was leadership camp she was able to attend at Utah State in June. There are two different weeks Alta can choose to go to leadership camp this year. We were hoping they chose the first one. Nope. It is the second one. If Jorja wins she will miss it because she will be in Taiwan. That was such a hard decision for her. She started working on the Taiwan thing in early November. Does she pass up that opportunity just in case she gets elected as junior class president? Well, right now it's looking like Jorja has a great shot of winning. No one is running against her. Joe had told lots of people he was going to run for president, but he decided to go for secretary instead. He was with Jorja when someone asked him about it. He said, "I decided Jorja should plan prom." The kids have until Monday after school to switch positions, Jorja is pretty sure someone will switch to run against her. She texted her election posters to Packer and we are just waiting for them to be approved. Sam, the new student body president, told Jorja that he was with Packer when he got Jorja's text. (She sent them as soon as the meeting was over.) He kind of rolled his eyes and commented about how Jorja already sent hers in. That was kind of weird. Was he upset about that? Wouldn't he want people in student government that are on top of things? Oh well.

Today Quacky Chan was being a guard duck. A boy mallard came into our yard. I heard Quackletta going nuts and thought the dog got in here again. I came out to see the boy mallard trying to mate with her as she was frantically trying to get away. Quacky Chan got in between the two and kept watch on the duck intruder. Quackletta hurried back to her nest.
Guard Duck
Soon the duck fell asleep. Quacky Chan stayed there the entire time the duck was sleeping. The duck woke up more than an hour later and Quacky Chan was ready. The mallard started walking across the grass and Quacky Chan chased and chased him. He chased him across the swimming pool, to the left of the back yard and to the right until the duck flew away. Quacky Chan went straight to the duck pen a hero. It was funny.
The kids had a combined activity of stuffing Easter eggs for the Pepperwood egg hunt today. We let Jorja drive Preston. It was the first time we have let Jorja near her car in awhile. They didn't go far, but she was happy about it. It's cute to see those two together.

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