Sunday, May 5, 2019


I taught my lesson today. It went....okay. I was struggling trying to figure out how to teach this lesson. The other teacher always likes to go around the room and ask each child to tell her a 'warm fuzzy' or 'cold prickly' from the week before. I decided to instead ask them what their favorite parable was, or what was their favorite conference talk. We discussed each one. It took the entire time. The lesson went great for the most part, but there are a few kids in there that have no desire to even try to pay attention a little bit. It makes it really hard when they won't even look at me from the get go. I think the rest of the class enjoyed the lesson. Hopefully I can figure out the best way to teach everyone in this class. It's weird only being in front of them once a month. Hard to form a connection.

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