Monday, May 13, 2019


Today is Mike's birthday. He is just the best. Our family is soooooo lucky! I have no idea how I got so lucky to have him want to marry me, but it has been a dream. I asked Mike this morning if he could find the Mario picture of him and Jorja. He found more than I remembered. I was looking for the first one, the rest was just a bonus. She was so tiny!
Mike & Jorja
 Random picture of Carter & Jorja. No idea why she wrote NO on the picture
 Decorations for Sadie's. Jorja broke her star.
 I sent Brett and Rachel an update on Marie's stocking. Looking good so far!
Jorja had to work today. She got off at 9:30. Mike and I went to pick up Chinese food. We had that for his birthday dinner and went swimming. It was fun! Not a lot of time together as a family, but I think Mike still had a good birthday. Too bad Maysen couldn't come swimming. She was sick. She did okay most of the day, but by the end she felt awful. Poor girl.

We didn't get to talk to Stockton today. He sent us a text saying happy birthday and he was too busy to call. This wasn't a surprise. It would have been nice to talk to him, but at least we had yesterday! This is Stockton's first transfer in Arizona, so I'm sure he is trying to get everything finished! He is going to miss Elder White. I'm going to miss Elder White. It was nice knowing he had a companion that was so good to him. Hopefully he will have the same experience with Elder Alia.
Elder Smith & Elder White

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