Friday, May 24, 2019

Overstock Lagoon Day

Yesterday Mike, Maysen and Preston drove up to Lagoon to camp. Jorja and I weren't able to come until today. I dropped Jorja off at school early so she could take her math test. She did that and then did her Chinese presentation, which was also her final. I checked her out after Chinese. Instead of going home, she finished her math test during the rest of advisory. I picked her up when she finished, stopped and got her a bagel and then headed home. We were home for about five minutes before we headed to Jack's house. Preston asked if Jack could come with us. Preston has never, ever, ever asked for a friend to come over. I called Jack's mom a few weeks ago. I see her at the gym often, so we have been able to get things figured out. Jack was great and it was so cute to see Preston with him. They are a lot alike. Jorja kept whispering to me, "Why doesn't he play with him more often? You need to make sure they get together." They had a great time. Lagoon was a bit rainy, but it wasn't bad. We were still able to go on everything we wanted. The only bummer was Maysen got sick. Luckily we had the motorhome that she was able to go back to. We stopped by there a couple of times to recharge. Maysen stayed there after dinner. She felt awful. That was no fun for her. I didn't get many pictures. My favorite picture from Lagoon was taken by Jorja. She put it on her snap story. I went to take a screen shot of it later, but I was too slow and it had disappeared. Boo. It was a really cute picture of her holding hands with Preston.
Jack and Preston with random girls
The girls followed the boys onto three rides. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but it was funny. Jorja ran into two different people she new. Ethan from her Chinese class who did the presentation with her this morning. Haha! And one of her friends in her Chemistry class. Jack really wanted to play a game. He bought this hat of rings and had Preston help him throw the rings. They didn't win a prize, but got to keep the hat.
Jack & Preston
 Jorja & Maysen, Jack & Preston
 Mike & Stephanie
 Jack & Jorja
This peacock was funny. We always see peacocks walking around Lagoon. This one was in the car area. I thought he was going to get hit! But he jumped over the fence and then hurried and jumped over the fence into the kid helicopter area. No one was on that ride, but it was crazy to see the peacock move that fast.
 Jorja & Preston
 Jorja, Preston, Jack
 Jorja took my phone and posted this picture ~ Stephanie & Jorja
We got Bear Claws to share and were eating them when Jack's parents walked up! That was funny. They let them in because the park was about to close. Things are a lot more relaxed on Overstock Lagoon day. We talked to them for a bit and they walked back with us to the motorhome. We gave them a tour before they headed back to their car with Jack. Today was a success. Except for Maysen's sickness. Other than that it was really fun.

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