Sunday, May 26, 2019

Preston's First Talk

Quackletta ~ Mike is sooooo happy!
Preston gave his first talk in church today and did a fantastic job. Tonight Ashley Jansson texted me this message, "I didn't get a chance to tell Preston what a good job he did today but his talk answered a prayer and some worries I've had on my mind lately so I thank him for his words today." Ahhhh. How sweet is that? Anyway, this is Preston's talk:

Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was crucified, conquered death, and was resurrected. After his resurrection, many witnesses saw his glorious, perfected body. When Christ visited his Apostles after his resurrection, and when he visited the Nephite people on the American continent, he invited them to come and feel the wounds in his hands and feet. Although he had become perfect through the resurrection, he chose to keep these wounds. Why did he do this?

We know that one reason is because these wounds testify of who he is and what he did for each of us. However, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland told us another reason why Christ retained these wounds. He said:

"in a resurrected, otherwise perfected body, our Lord ... has chosen to retain for the benefit of his disciples the wounds in his hands and his feet and his side --- signs, if you will, that painful things happen even to the pure and perfect, ... that pain in this world is not evidence that God doesn't love you."

Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking that if they are obedient, they won't have challenges in life. Or that because someone has had bad things happen to them in life, it must be because they are a bad person. Christ himself shows us that this is not true. In life, sometimes bad things happen to people who are trying their best to do what is right.

Nephi is another example of this. Throughout his entire life, Nephi tried his best to be righteous, to obey God's commandments, and to be a good example to the rest of his family. Did things always go right for him? No. They definitely did not. Here are just a few of the bad things that happened to this good person:

  • Had to abandon his home and everything he owned
  • Fled for his life from Laban's guards
  • Mocked by his own family
  • Beaten by his brothers multiple times
  • His brothers threatened to kill him and their father
  • Tied up on a ship (that he had built with his own hands) in a storm
  • Chased out of his own land in the new world by his brothers and their followers
Being righteous certainly didn't mean that Nephi's life was easy. Like all of us, he had hard challenges. However, Nephi was blessed with eternal rewards, just like we can be after this life.

Let us realize that hard challenges are just a part of this life and that God will help us overcome them if we ask him for help and do all that we can. I know that we will be blessed if we do.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I was so proud of Preston. He was easy to understand. He is a fantastic speaker. Mike is also awesome. He helped Preston put together his talk. They are a great team.

I finished Marie's stocking today. I love it! It's perfect for her!

Rachel will sew it together into stocking shape, thank goodness! I would mess it up. Mike and Preston had fun playing with the ducks. Quacky Chan was out by himself since Quackletta was sitting on her nest. Preston fed him mealworms.
Quacky Chan & Preston

We met Steve and Shannon down at the cemetery by Grandma Honey's grave. It was so crowded with memorial day being tomorrow. We saw the Liu's while we were there. We were able to visit Grandma & Grandpa Hirschi's, Grandma & Grandpa Smith's, Grandma Honey, Grandma Millburn, and Jessica.
Mike, Steve, Maysen, Weston, Jorja, Preston ~ Walking from the Hirschi graves to Grandma Honey's
 Jorja & Preston
Jorja & Weston ~ these two make me laugh
For some reason, Jorja sent me a picture of Brynlee & Chloee's mom. No idea why.

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