Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Strong Maysen

I had to get to school early to proctor the AP English Language test. Maysen had a dermatologist appointment today. I guess Jorja's car was blocking Maysen's. Maysen doesn't know how to drive a stick shift. She called Mike and he had to walk her through backing it up. Luckily she was able to do that. Unluckily she was too strong when she opened Jorja's door and the lock part of Jorja's handle fell off. Hopefully we can figure out how to get that replaced.
Jorja had a therapy appointment today. She is doing really well right now and didn't even want to go. That surprised me. I can not believe the difference since she broke up with Mitchell. I really want her to go through the rest of high school without a boyfriend. We didn't even sign her up for another appointment. Jorja asked if it was okay if she waited until after Taiwan to come back. Sounds great to me! I am thrilled my happy Jorja is coming back!

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