Saturday, June 29, 2019

Harry Potter and Toy Story

Mike downloaded the new Harry Potter game on my phone and his. It is similar to Pokemon Go. We had fun playing that today. Maysen and Preston weren't interested. We did go see Toy Story 4 today. Yesterday we watched all three Toy Story movies to prepare. I worked on Rachel's stocking as we did that. I liked Toy Story 4 okay. Jorja saw it yesterday in Taiwan. She said it was okay, but they should have stopped at 3. She said this movie felt unnecessary. I agreed with her. It was fun to get out with the kids though.
Mike and Preston
 Preston & Maysen at IHOP
 I love how well these two get along, even though they are nine years apart.
 This is the only photo I found from Jorja today.
I didn't hear a thing from her today. I'm sure she is okay. She doesn't have WiFi very often, so it is unpredictable when she is able to send me a message. She is loving Taiwan. I miss her, but I am thankful she was able to have this opportunity. Experience of a lifetime!

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