Thursday, July 11, 2019

Chinese/Engineering Camp

That's right. Preston had a Chinese/Engineering camp today. It was at the Gateway. He was invited and didn't have to pay. He wasn't too excited about this. Maysen and I drove him there. It took forever to park, but after that it was smooth sailing. We dropped him off and then the two of us went shopping. We ended up driving to City Creek. We found Maysen a swimsuit that she really likes and we got her shoes. She picked out the same shoes Preston has. They fit great once they are on, but they are a bit of a struggle to get on. They are supposed to get easier as she wears them. Hope they do! Anyway, Preston ended up loving his camp. They made rockets. He was paired up with a Chinese boy. Preston said he understood him great. It was cool because lately anytime we ask him about Chinese he says he doesn't understand it. This was perfect for him.
Preston's selfie with his partner
Jorja went to lunch with Drew while we were gone. They also got slurpees for 7-11 day. Drew is such a great kid, I'm glad they were able to do this before Jorja had to head to work.

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