Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Cow Day

I absolutely love it when people from Arizona send me pictures of Stockton. It is the coolest thing ever! I sent this picture to Jorja while she was at work and it made her happy. I don't know the story behind this. I don't know if Stockton made his costume, or if the family had it ready and took them there for dinner. Can't wait to hear about it on Monday! (Stockton was on splits today. That is why he is with Elder Williams and not Elder Alia.)
Elder Smith and Elder Williams
I took Maysen and Jorja to see a new dermatologist. The one we had been going to for a LONG time made me so angry the last time we were in. He told Jorja she had the bone structure of a 40 year old. Also told her she needed to shoot something just below her eyes every six months for the rest of her life to fix a defect. Plus, Jorja's acne has gotten worse and Maysen's hasn't seemed to change at all. Anyway, I went to a guy my friend recommended me to and loved him. He was so nice and explained things really well. He is also putting the girls on accutane. Jorja is really excited about that. I guess most of the girls have taken it and all of them have loved it. The dermatologist said it has a 100% success rate. The big problem is if you get pregnant on it then your baby has a 100% chance of having a birth defect. So, the girls had to take a pregnancy test, wait a month and take another one before they can start the medicine. Jorja is anxious. She has never had acne before and she wanted it to be clear before she started school. Oh well.

Jorja also went back to work today. Her first day back was cow day. She had a blast though. She got together with her friends and they made cow shirts to wear to work. Brynlee is chocolate milk and Jorja is strawberry milk. After work they went out to ice-cream at Leatherbys. Jorja was happy.
Brynlee, Chloee, Jorja
 Brynlee, Jorja, Chloee
 Spencer & Jorja & random head
 Jorja, Jordan, Chloee

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