Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lion King

Maysen, Preston and I met Jorja for lunch with some of her work friends. Jorja took a part of someone's shift this morning. She had a call in shift this evening. She was hoping to be able to work. She thought she was going to because when she left the manager said, "See you at five." Well, she called in and they told her not to come in. She was a little disappointed because she had been asked out on a date. She told him she wouldn't know until 4:00 if she could go. He said he would try and find someone else. He ended up asking her friend Madison. When Jorja didn't have to work she was disappointed because she could have gone on the date. They were going to see the Lion King. Jorja has been excited about that for a year. She has always loved that show. Too bad when I bought her third row tickets to see the live version she cut her cornea that same day. I'll always remember her sitting straight in the chair, trying to open her eyes with tears running down her face. It was heartbreaking. Anyway, Mike and I went to Anthony Covington's wedding reception. We then took the kids to a late night showing of Lion King. Mike drove Maysen and Preston to the theater and I drove Jorja to Inn and Out before the show. In the five minutes we were there she managed to see ten different people. Jorja liked the movie. I fell asleep. I tried to stay awake, but that didn't work out so well.

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