Saturday, July 27, 2019

Peppa Pig

Jorja got all packed for her church history trip and mostly packed for EFY. That one is hard because she wants to wear some clothes to both. Moses came and picked her up this morning. He brought her ice-cream and a Kit-Kat and took her on a drive to talk about Spencer. He has been really nice to her. This made her happy.
Jorja, my dad, Cathy and Max left for their church history trip today. I picked my dad up at 1:00. The only problem was, Max had decided he didn't want to go. He even called his mom and asked to stay with her for the week. My dad was beside himself. He was so upset he couldn't function or think straight. Hunter was supposed to come and pick Max up. Turns out Hunter couldn't get there until around 5:00. So, my dad and Cathy were just supposed to leave Max here and assume Hunter will come and pick him up. That does not sound like a good idea at all. Max was on the front porch and I snapped at him. I wasn't awful, but I have never talked to Max that way before. Max got up and walked away. Like down the street. I ended up chasing him down. I got in front of him, looked him in the eyes and apologized. I hugged him and he started crying. He said he really didn't want to go on a church history trip. I told him that Jorja didn't want to go either. I can't remember everything I said to him, but I do remember saying that my dad loved him very much and it was hard on me. There was no way my dad would be able to leave him home alone. It might not be the funnest trip, but he will have a place to stay, food to eat and he will be safe. If he was with his mom my dad would worry the entire time about him being safe. Things like that. Anyways, Max walked to the car and got in. Hopefully he will have a good trip! Their flight was delayed and they got to Kansas City super late. Hopefully things go up from there. Anyway, on the way home I stopped by Matt and Sam's to let them know Max was with my dad. I didn't want them to worry about him. Anne was with friends outside and was wearing a Peppa Pig swimsuit. Jorja loves Peppa Pig. What a cutie!

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