Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pool Day

Cori took Jorja school shopping today. She sure is spoiling that girl. Jorja had just enough time to grab something to eat before she headed to work for the rest of the day. This is her last day of work for three weeks. Her friend, Sam, texted me from her phone asking if she could go to In & Out with them after work because they wouldn't see her for three weeks. I texted back Hahahahahaha - no. The rest of us played all day. The kids got in the pool two different times, for quite a long time. They loved it. Matt, Bubs and their families were over as well. Rachel's childhood friend came over with her kids too. The weather was perfect. No one got hurt. It was such a great day.
Brett and Eve
 Matt & Jeff
 Grace & Anne
 Marie on the slide
 The pool is happy
Eve was a nut! She went off the diving board a million times and down the slide a ton more. She couldn't get enough! Amelia was a fish. She loved swimming under the water. Grace too! I love it when my family is here!

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