Monday, July 1, 2019

Tea Picking

Mike had to go back to work today. Never fun after a week off. He said today wasn't too bad though. He only works three days this week as well. He is spoiled.

Stockton sent me a picture of him with Sister Lilenquist. She went to Alta. She is in my dad's ward, so plenty of people were telling him to look for her. She arrived straight from the MTC when this picture was taken and they are now serving in the same district. Stockton sent me this picture this morning. I sent it to Suzanne Heaton. She is in my ward and Sister Lilenquist is her son Jaxson's girlfriend. He is on a mission in Oregon now. Anyway, Suzanne sent this to Jaxson and Jaxson sent a message to Sister Lilenquist to say hi to Stockton...all in the course of a few hours. Haha!
Sister Lilenquist & Elder Smith
Jorja has been messaging me about getting her a dermatologist appointment. Her face has broken out really bad. I sent messages to a few of my friends. Megan Okerlund told me she loves her dermatologist, so I was able to somehow get an appointment for the day after Jorja gets back. Jorja spent today picking tea. She does look adorable.
Trevor & Jorja

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