Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ballpark Surprise

Mike took Preston to parent teacher conference. He was not happy about that. At all. He was much happier with the milkshake at Freddy's afterwards though.

Mike and Christen came home today. They met us at the ballpark with food. I did not tell the kids they would be there. Haha! Larkin pitched and was amazing. She even got the game ball, although she claims she got it by default. It was fun watching her play and she did great!

Blake and Parker had fun playing with my Snapchat. Haha. Lots of filters that they loved. That kept them entertained for a long time!
Giant bug the boys found
 Parker and half of Blake
I had fun staying up late talking to Mike and Christen. It is soooooo wonderful to be with my brothers. I wish we all lived close to each other. My brothers are the best!

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