Tuesday, November 26, 2019

And That's a Wrap...

We survived our twelve hour flight to JFK then had almost a six hour layover in New York. Our last family photo. Lots of the same picture here, but it was our last one. It has been so much fun to spend all day every day with my family. Especially since we aren't able to get together that often. I am so thankful Rachel and Jordyn were able to come on this trip with me. Made everything super fun! How did this end up happening? Last Thanksgiving Jordyn went to China. She posted pictures on Facebook and asked where she should go to next? I responded 'Israel!' I told her I was going next year. Jordyn immediately was in. The two of us (mostly her) were able to convince others to join us. Brett went to Israel last year with my dad. He wanted Rachel to go. This was the perfect time! Rachel felt guilty that she was going with all of Brett's family and kind of thought he should go again. Haha. Sharon made a comment that one of the best things about the trip was getting to know Rachel. I agree! I'm glad the rest of our family can see why she is loved and adored by us!
Renee, John, Jordyn, Stephanie, Steve, Sharon, Dad, Mark, Rachel
 We are tired
 Gordon's selfie with the big camera - haha
 Rachel left first...we could only follow her to the shuttle
 She made it back to Ohio safe and sound
Mike was waiting for us in the airport at Salt Lake. All of our luggage arrived on an earlier flight, so we had to find it in the back. I said goodbye to the rest of my family then Mike took my dad and me home. It was nice being home. I got to see Preston right away. Jorja was at work. We were planning on going out to ice-cream once she got off, but she didn't get home until it was too late. She had a hard day at work. She worked with her friend who has been mean to her for the first time since her mom texted Jorja. It did not go well. The friend was awful all day to Jorja. Teenage girls can be so cruel.

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