Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Church of the Nativity

Right after breakfast we loaded up the bus and headed to Church of the Nativity. We got there about 30 minutes before it opened. Sam (our tour guide) says lately people have been having to wait a couple of hours. Glad we had an early start and didn't have to do that! Church of the Nativity is the spot where Jesus was born. Apparently scholars agree. That's pretty cool. The stable (cave) is super fancy now. There is a big shrine/church built on top of it. 
Rachel, Stephanie, Dad
The place was crazy busy. We first waited in a room with lots of tapestries and pillars. There is a spot where we can see the old floor. There are tapestries covering the walls. People were looting the stable and taking pieces of rocks etc. 
 Heading down to the birth site
Stephanie touching the place Jesus was born
After John came out of the crazy crowd waiting to touch the star he said to my dad, "Well, I've never played rugby before, but that was fun." Haha. We went to the back of the cave and sang Away in a Manger. As we were leaving we wanted to see the manger that was in a different spot. A group of tourists wearing green neckerchiefs got ahead of us. They all brought out rags and started cleaning the manger. Oh boy. Pretty soon someone said we had to get out because a priest was coming to do mass. He yanked Rachel out of the way. She was behind me. I was surrounded by neckerchiefs. He grabbed the lady in front of me and yanked her back and told her she needed to go. I quickly touched the manger and got out of that mess as fast as I could. Crazy town! Still glad I was able to do it though.

St. George
 Poor dragon
 Stephanie, Rachel, Jordyn at Church of the Nativity
 My dad counting people by fistbumps
 Jordyn & my dad
We went to an orphanage of special needs kids next. I guess in this culture kids are not adopted, so they stay here until they die. There was a room of special needs kids we were able to interact with. This girl kept trying to grab my camera. I took her picture and showed it to her. She really liked that.

 Girl & Stephanie
 These two boys were funny.
They would race these weird bikes and weren't safe at all!
We went to a spot where we were able to drop off the donations we brought. What a reminder of how blessed my life is.

We stopped at another nativity shop. There was this giant nativity that was crazy! Rachel shopped and shopped and finally found a nativity she wanted. It was just over a hundred dollars. She called me over to get my opinion, right as someone mentioned they wanted it. The guy took the nativity away from Rachel and gave it to the other lady. Rachel said that was the one she wanted and he told her she took to long. It was really weird. The other lady said she was giving hers as a gift. She would have bought one of the other ones Rachel was looking at, but the guy made it really awkward. Rachel left with nothing.
 Different giant nativity
We had this lunch at this cool place with delicious food. I can't remember what it was called, but it was fancy and fun. We then went to Shepherds Field. We went down into a cave similar to where the shepherds would keep their sheep. My dad and Sam talked about it and we sang songs. People kept looking down at us and taking pictures....of the cave... Rachel whispered to me, "This is how fish feel." I laughed and laughed. It wasn't very reverent of me.
Dad with a nativity at the back of this cave
 Back of the cave
 What people kept taking pictures of. Rachel and I were sitting behind this.
 Rachel & Stephanie at Shepherds Field
 Had to take pictures of the cactus
 I miss Stockton!
My dad, Rachel and I wandered around until we found a cave. Rachel and I had SO MUCH FUN! The cave was huge! I'm pretty sure my dad was getting annoyed with us, but we loved it. Rachel was covered in dirt. She thought about jumping down this big hole, but luckily changed her mind. Hahaha
 Stephanie & Rachel

 Rachel and my dad going down into the cave
 Rachel & Stephanie (near Rachel's hole)
 Stephanie & Rachel
 Dad, Stephanie, Rachel ~ look how excited my dad is!
 Rachel & Stephanie
My dad kept trying to get us to leave. All of a sudden we heard John and Renee. They came down into the cave too! Haha Dad! We had to stay a bit longer after that! Uncle John almost fell down the stairs twice, but I didn't get it on camera.
Jordyn, Renee, John
 Rachel, Jordyn, Stephanie
We left through a tiny cave that got tinier and tinier and tinier...we all made it out though, even Uncle Mark!
Jordyn ~ I love this picture!
When we came out of the tunnel we realized everyone from our family was there. We hurried and got our family picture. Perfect timing!
Mark & Steve
Dad, Stephanie, Sherry, Jordyn, Rachel, Renee, John

We went to Caiaphus' House next. We talked about about Peter denying Jesus three times. We got to go down to the dungeon where Jesus might have been held after being judged by Pilot. 
 BYU-Jerusalem (the building with the arches)
These steps were here when Christ walked the earth. He definitely walked on these steps. He might have even taken this path from the Last Supper to Gethsemane and back to be judged. So cool! They used to let people walk on them, but too many people chipped away at them to take a souvenir home. They left a few steps not behind the barrier so we could walk on it though. That was cool.
 Dad, Renee, Jordyn
 Me walking where Jesus walked, but I thought my shoes looked ridiculous
 I grabbed Renee because she was wearing sandals.
We went down into the dungeon hole and my dad read a psalm. We then went into a church. Sam and Steve both talked to us.
Top: Christ being judged Bottom: Peter getting the keys
We had a short break at the hotel before we went to Joppa Gate to see David's Citadel sound and light show. It was pretty cool. This castle was built by Herod and is still standing. They did this light show that was projected on the entire castle. My favorite was when it looked like the castle was sand and had it falling. Then it turned into books. Super cool.
 The light was over all the walls. Kind of movie like. It was beautiful....but cold...
We had a late dinner. I'm heading to bed because we have an EARLY day tomorrow!

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