Friday, November 22, 2019


Our first stop today was the Orson Hyde Memorial Park. The bus dropped us off a little bit away and we walked there. There was a good view of the BYU-Jerusalem Center as we walked.
 Orson Hyde Memorial Park
There was this pavilion place where we were able to have a few lessons. We learned about Orson Hyde dedicating Israel and how he talked about the Jews' return. Mark did a presentation where it showed a timeline of how many Jews lived in Israel and how many immigrated each year. One day had about 14,000 Jews immigrate here, or something crazy like that. Now Israel is almost 75% Jewish. We also talked about the last week of the Savior's life. Rachel led everybody in a song called Gethsemane. Her kids have listened to that song every night for eight years. I remember them singing it at Marie's baptism. We then got time to walk around the gardens. I always pictured Gethsemane as a quiet peaceful place, kind of in the middle of nowhere. That is not the case. There were about a zillion cars honking during the entire presentation. Didn't expect that!
 Mark, Stephanie, Ron, Rachel
 Stephanie eating rosemary from the bushes. I did not like it as much as Sharon.
 Dad, Sharon, and two others
 Dad and Uncle John
This is silly, but the thing I was most excited about in Gethsemane was all the cacti! It was like a hello from Stockton. It made me so happy! I took a lot of pictures of them.
 Olive tree with cacti surrounding it
 Jordyn, John, Dad, Dave (Dave's wife died from ALS last year)
 Dad, Mark, Stephanie, Jordyn, Steve, Rachel, Sharon, Renee, John
 The only flowers I saw in Gethsemane. They were up high.
The church at Gethsemane. They actually let us walk in and take pictures during their service. There were a lot of people doing that...not just us. Funny to think about a ton of tourists coming into sacrament meeting to take pictures. That would be distracting!
 So many street vendors right outside Gethsemane. It was so chaotic!
Our bus went up this street. Haha! Driving here is CRAZY! 
Usually you can get a small camel ride right here, but there was no guy to pay.
So we just got a picture of the camel. 
 Lazarus' Tomb ~ Jordyn, Rachel, Stephanie
 Rachel, Stephanie, Jordyn
 Steve, Sharon, Mark, John, Renee, Dad
 Stephanie ~ real official entrance....maybe
 BYU-Jerusalem guide....from Tucson!
 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
 Pomegranate plants! Jorja would love this!
 Dad, John, Renee, Jordyn, Rachel, Steve, Sharon, Mark, Stephanie pushing a millstone
 I was so proud of this picture, I thought it was pretty
 Until I took this one while I was sitting on the bus. This was through my window and everything.
 View from our room with all the crazy busses waiting for tomorrow...

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