Friday, November 1, 2019


I took Maysen to her doctor appointment today. We stopped for lunch after. It was fun to be able to have some one-on-one time with her. I had my Israel pre-travel meeting tonight. I went with my dad. I wasn't expecting to see Steve & Sharon, or John and Renee there, but they all came. Jordyn was there too, but I thought she would be. There was a couple there that were pretty surprised to see my aunts and uncles. They live a couple of streets away from John and Renee in Idaho Falls. How fun! The meeting was long, but it was good information. Hopefully I remember everything. I didn't get home until late because my dad wasn't able to leave for a long time. Nice to be able to go with him though. I'm getting so excited for this trip. I can't believe so many family members are coming! John, Renee and Jordyn are leaving early and going to Jordan for a few days first. I would have had to leave on Preston's birthday for that to happen. I'd rather be with Preston. I can't believe he is going to be a teenager soon!

Jorja decided she wants to do a 24 days of gratitude thing. She is posting this on her Instagram stories. She actually started on Sunday, but I thought I would backtrack and put it up on the day she meant it for. Even though those pictures won't be taken for a few days. Haha
Jorja ~ day 1

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