Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How Did She Survive?

Seriously! How did Jorja survive me being in Israel? I had a doctor appointment this morning. Jorja has late start. I talked to her a long time last night about how I would be gone. She promised she would get herself up and ready to school, no problem. We even talked about her making avocado toast for breakfast. After my appointment I texted her that I hoped she remembered her essay and that I loved her. I thought about running some errands after my appointment. Glad I didn't. When I pulled into the driveway her car was still there. She was SOUND ASLEEP! She was shocked she slept through her alarm. Jorja hurried and got ready, but she forgot things she needed, so she came back home. She ended up missing all of her fifth period, which is AP English. Jorja ended up staying after school for a few hours. She talked to her English teacher and then studied her math. Her math teacher ended up leaving before Jorja was ready to leave. Jorja went and found her 9th grade math teacher. She taught Jorja the thing she couldn't figure out. Jorja was so happy! She ended up staying and talking to Mrs. Waters for a long time. Jorja has a math test tomorrow and is feeling really confident about it, so that's good.

Rachel sent me pictures of linings for the stockings today. It was fun to see all her choices. These are the ones she picked. I love them! Especially the trees on Mina's. I think it's perfect! Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished!
Jorja had two white elephant parties. She came home with a soccer participation trophy and a bag of candy. I can't remember how the Young Women white elephant turned out. Despite the rocky start, she ended up having a great day. Preston's activity was cancelled and he was very happy about that. He is a home body. Just like his dad.

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